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Exhibit A <br />That parcel of land in the City of San Leandro, County of W ameda, <br />State of California, described as follotisit <br />A portion of the 30.82 acre parcel of land described in the deed <br />by Theodore LeRoy to Jose Bernardo Mendonca, dated October 28, <br />1876, recorded October 28, 1876. in Book 133 of Deeds, Page 360, <br />Alameda County Records, bounded as follows; <br />Heqinninq at the intersection of the northeastern line of Morced <br />Street with the Southeastern line of Wast Avenue 129, formerly <br />Williams Street; thonve along said line of Nost Avenue 129 North <br />62 30' cast 408.55 feet; thence, parallel with said line of N.erced <br />Street south 27 30, east 652.50 feet to a line drawn parallel <br />with the northwestern line of West Avenue 132, formerly :'first <br />Avenue, as last said avenue existed on MArch 5, 1950 and distant - <br />at right angles 672.50 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence along <br />the line so drawn, south 6w° 301 west 400.65 feet to said lice of <br />Herced Street= thence along the last mentioned line north 27 30' <br />west 652.50 feet,to the point of beginning. <br />Excepting therefrom that portion there of conveyed to City of San <br />Leandro, a municipal corporation, recorded July 7, 3.978, Series <br />No. 173249. <br />TAActive Projecls\20356_TSC PitcoFoods_SanLeandro_TenanllmprovemenllProjectDocs 20356\Plan Review\Grading Permit Comments\O & M <br />Agreement for treat meas 05202025.doc <br />