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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2025-003 <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO’S INTENT TO INITIATE PROCEDURES TO <br />TRANSITION FROM AT-LARGE ELECTIONS TO DISTRICT-BASED ELECTIONS FOR CITY COUNCIL <br />PURSUANT TO ELECTIONS CODE SECTION 10010; AND SETTING FORTH THE PROCESS FOR <br />TRANSITIONING TO DISTRICT-BASED ELECTIONS <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to California Elections Code Section 14026, the City of San Leandro’s election <br />system is considered an “at-large” system because it utilizes a combination of “at-large” and “district-based” <br />methods; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to City of San Leandro Charter Section 225, members of the City Council are <br />elected in “at-large” elections, in which each City Councilmember is elected by the registered voters of the <br />entire City; and <br />WHEREAS, any amendments to the City’s Charter regarding its existing election system method <br />requires a majority vote of the City’s electorate through a ballot measure; and <br />WHEREAS, on November 21, 2024, the City of San Leandro (“City”) received a letter from a <br />prospective plaintiff’s attorney alleging a violation of the California Voting Rights Act (the “CVRA”) and <br />signaling litigation if the City declines to voluntarily change to a district-based election system for electing <br />Councilmembers; and <br />WHEREAS, the letter itself was not accompanied by any statistical evidence to support the claim of a <br />CVRA violation; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council denies that its election system violates the CVRA or any other provision of <br />law, asserts that the City’s election system is legal in all respects, and further denies any wrongdoing <br />whatsoever in connection with the manner in which at-large City Council elections have been conducted; and <br />WHEREAS, nevertheless, the City welcomes the views of its constituents as to whether or not the <br />public interest is better served by initiating a process for transitioning to a district-based election system; and <br />WHEREAS, Elections Code Section 10010 provides a method whereby a jurisdiction can transition to a <br />district-based election system and cap attorneys’ fees under the CVRA if the jurisdiction complies with the <br />“safe harbor” provisions of Elections Code Section 10010. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows: <br />1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated by reference herein. <br /> <br />2. The City Council hereby expresses its intent to consider transition from an at-large election system to <br />a district-based election system as authorized by Elections Code Section 10010 for use in the City’s <br />election for City Councilmembers commencing in November 2026. <br /> <br />3. The City Clerk is directed to publicize and post information regarding the proposed transition to a