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January 21, 2025City Council Minutes <br />PRESENTATIONS9. <br />No items were scheduled. <br />ACTION ITEMS10. <br />No items were scheduled. <br />COUNCIL REQUESTS TO SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEMS11. <br />By consensus, the City Council agreed to add the following items to their Council <br />Priority Discussion on February 1, 2025: <br />Councilmember Aguilar: <br />1. Prohibit discrimiatino on the basis of family or relationship structure <br />2. Work with the Human Rights Campaign to be visible and achieve 100% on the <br />Municipal Equality Index. The MEI examines how inclusive municipal laws, policies, <br />and services are of LGBTQ+ people who live and work there. Cities are rated based on <br />non-discrimination laws, the municipality as an employer, municipal services, law <br />enforcement and leadership on LGBTQ+ equality. <br />Councilmember Boldt: <br />1. Per our city study of 2017 which we suggest to collect 1%. Adopt a 1% for arts <br />ordinance requiring private developers of new construction to donate 1% to the city for <br />arts. <br />Councilmember Bowen: <br />1. Incorporating Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) as a framework for how <br />the City fulfills its mission, including specific short and long-term goals to work towards <br />transforming the internal and external programs and processes to be more just, <br />equitable, diverse, and inclusive. <br />2. Partner with agencies like the California Early Care and Education Workforce <br />Registry & Pathway to Professional Development to create a workforce pathway for <br />childcare centers and providers. <br />3. Establish a vacancy tax for property owners whose properties are unused or <br />underused. <br />4. Include allowable timeframe to display campaign signs to San Leandro local <br />requirements for temporary election campaign signs. <br />5. Outdoor Lighting ordinance: establish regulations and standards which will reduce <br />light pollution generated by residential, commercial and industrial lighting fixtures and <br />devices, minimize light pollution which has a detrimental effect on the environment and <br />the enjoyment of the night sky, reduce and minimize lighting and lighting practices <br />which cause unnecessary illumination of adjacent properties, correct problems of glare <br />and light trespass, reduce energy use, comply with the regulations set forth in the <br />California Building Efficiency Standards. <br />6. Recognize Lunar New Year (a California state holiday) and promote cultural diversity <br />and inclusion through a city-sponsored community event. <br />Mayor González: <br />1. Hire a person within the economic development department who will focus on <br />attracting strategically-aligned businesses to San Leandro. <br />2. Direct city staff to report on lessons learned/analysis undertaken in relation to the <br />2024 stormwater fee ballot measure. <br />Page 4City of San Leandro