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01212025 Minutes
City Clerk
City Council
01212025 Minutes
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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January 21, 2025City Council Minutes <br />3. Evaluate potential City Charter revisions guiding elections, including the potential <br />inclusion of both at-large seats and district seats. Also consider increasing the term <br />limits to three terms instead of the current two terms. Adopt resolution moving the final <br />council recommendation to voters for their approval (should a charter change be <br />required). <br />4. By ordinance, and in accordance with California law, implement rent control for our <br />most economically vulnerable households: those participating in the CalFresh program. <br />For these eligible households, potential rent increases would be capped by an index <br />value that increases at 5% per year. <br />5. By ordinance, and in accordance with California law, limit the number of Residential <br />Structures within the City of San Leandro owned by a single corporation or its affiliates. <br />The phrase Residential Structures shall be defined as consisting of Condos, Single <br />Family Residences, Duplexes, Triplexes, and 4-plexes. The limit shall be three. <br />6. By ordinance, and consistent with California law, update the Mobile Home rent <br />control ordinance to: (1) cap potential annual rent increases by use of an index value <br />that increases at 5% per year; (2) limit rent increases upon sale of a mobile home to <br />the median value of rents charged by the mobile home park in the month preceding <br />the sale; (3) establish penalties for noncompliance, and (4) introduce an audit clause <br />enabling the city to audit compliance with the ordinance. <br />7. By resolution adopt a city council policy that with respect to road repair, <br />maintenance, and replacement (jointly "Roads") such that: (1) FY 25 general fund <br />budgeted amount for Roads shall serve as the Minimum Budgeted Amount For Roads <br />("MBA") in future years (adjusted by inflation); (2) to the extent that the previous year's <br />MBA is not expended, the unspent amount shall be added to (above and beyond) the <br />inflation MBA for the immediately ensuing FY; (3) in addition to this MBA, 50 percent <br />of any fiscal year end surplus (unrelated to unspent budget for road repair, <br />maintenance, and replacement) shall be added to the MBA in the subsequent fiscal <br />year; and (4) any funding received from grants, gifts, one time awards, etc. shall be <br />additive to the Minimum Budgeted Amount for Roads (i.e., supplantation is not <br />permitted). <br />8. By resolution adopt a city council policy that with respect to road repair, <br />maintenance, and replacement: (1) FY 25 general fund budgeted amount shall serve <br />as the Minimum Budgeted Amount For Roads in future years (adjusted by inflation); (2) <br />in addition to this Minimum Budgeted Amount for Roads, 50 percent of any year end <br />realized budget surplus shall be added to the Minimum Budgeted Amount for Roads in <br />the subsequent fiscal year; and (3) any funding received from grants, gifts, one time <br />awards, etc. shall be additive to the Minimum Budgeted Amount for Roads (i.e., <br />supplantation is not permitted). <br />9. Adopt an FY 2026 budget that expands the traffic patrol division by two officers, i.e., <br />from 2 to 4. <br />10. Adopt a pilot program under which we test the use of drones as first responders. <br />This should involve at least one launch location located relatively centrally within the <br />City of San Leandro. <br />11. By ordinance, and consistent with California law, modify the default energy product <br />received by San Leandro businesses and residents from Ava Community Energy to <br />Bright Choice. In addition, inform businesses and residents that they may upgrade <br />their purchases to Renewable 100 in order to received 100% carbon free electricity. <br />Require annual report to confirm that the energy provided under Bright Choice is at <br />least 90% carbon-free. <br />12. By ordinance, and consistent with California Law, adopt wtihin San Leandro the <br />multi-family unit smoking ban currently in place for Alameda County, as the current <br />county ordinance only covers unincorporated parts of Alameda County <br />13. By ordinance, and consistent with California law, limit the time that boats or other <br />floating objects can be attached to docks within the City of San Leandro to 30 <br />Page 5City of San Leandro
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