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<br />2024-25 First 5 Alameda County MOU <br />San Leandro Public Library <br />MOU #: PS-ECE-2425-358 4 <br />5 reserves the right to withhold payment until required reporting documentation is <br />received. Total payments to SLPL during the term will not exceed $6,100.00. <br /> <br /> <br />To achieve these goals, First 5 is committed to doing the following: <br /> <br />A. Provide access for 100 children and their caregivers to the developmental screening mobile <br />application designated by First 5 and activity booklets for free ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 <br />developmental screenings, activities by age, and two-way messaging with Help Me Grow for <br />early child development support. <br /> <br />i. First 5 will contract with a developmental screening mobile application <br />vendor and will include SLPL staff in appropriate trainings for <br />implementation. <br /> <br />B. Order 100 early learning kits and distribute kits directly to SLPL by May 15, 2025. <br />C. Issue payment to First 5 designated vendor upon HMG and SLPL completion of early learning kits <br />selection. <br />D. Provide links to Home Activity Surveys in English, Spanish and Chinese by May 15, 2025. <br />E. Translate and compile completed Home Activity Surveys completed by SLPL patrons and share <br />results in infographic form with SLPL by June 30, 2025. <br />F. Provide a meeting with Help Me Grow liaison to develop plan for integrating Help Me Grow in <br />Storytimes and provide links for families in English, Spanish and Chinese. <br />G. Provide up to one (1) remote consultation or training developed in coordination with SLPL over <br />course of the agreement. <br />H. Issue payment to SLPL upon receipt and approval of Invoice, Expense Report, fiscal backup <br />documentation, and Results Based Accountability Report. <br />III. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY; INDEMNIFICATION <br /> <br />A. First 5. First 5 shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless SLPL, its City Council, boards, <br />commissions, officials, employees and volunteers (SLPL Indemnitees), from and against any and <br />all loss, damages, liability, claims, suits, costs and expenses whatsoever, including reasonable <br />attorneys’ fees (Claims), arising from or in any manner connected to First 5’s negligent act or <br />omission, whether alleged or actual, regarding performance of services or in the course of <br />performing services rendered pursuant to this MOU. If Claims are filed against SLPL Indemnitees <br />which allege negligence on behalf of First 5, First 5 shall have no right of reimbursement against <br />SLPL Indemnitees for the costs of defense even if negligence is not found on the part of First 5. <br />However, First 5 shall not be obligated to indemnify SLPL Indemnitees from Claims arising from <br />the sole negligence or willful misconduct of SLPL Indemnitees. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 0DED01FD-EFFC-4C24-979E-8609440FF8E2