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Name Page count CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type Drawing Type Document Date (6) Recorded Document Type
Affordable Housing Reg Agmt APN 752812 7528112 04232020[Icon] 21 Agreement 4/23/2020 Declaration of Restrictions
Agmt to Conditions 14380 Washington Ave 09302020[Icon] 13 9/30/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Agmt to Conditions 2075 Williams St 08102020[Icon] 15 8/10/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Agmt to Conditions 2101 Marina Boulevard 08102020[Icon] 13 8/10/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Agreement to Conditions 1639 Halsey Avenue 03102020[Icon] 9 3/10/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Agreement to Conditions 2994 Teagarden Street 05122020[Icon] 10 3/10/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Agreement to Conditions 525 Williams Street 02252020[Icon] 15 2/25/2020 Agreement to Conditions
Annual Street Sealing 2018-19 - Notice of Completion[Icon] 3 6/30/2019 Notice of Completion
Cert of Compliance APN 077D146100801 and 077D146100802[Icon] 3 Certificate of Compliance
Controls Maint Agmt Stormwater Treatment 06072019[Icon] 29 Staff Report 1/31/2020 Stormwater Treatment
Controls Maint Agmt Stormwater Treatment 09302019[Icon] 19 Agreement 1/31/2020 Stormwater Treatment
Dec of Restr Covenant 2123 Benedict Drive 02262020[Icon] 3 2/26/2020 Declaration of Restrictions
Deed of Reconveyance 275 Haas Ave 10062020[Icon] 3 10/6/2020 Reconveyance
Deed of Restrictive Covenant 2123 Benedict Dr 05112020[Icon] 3 5/11/2020 _Other
Deed of Trust APN 782812 7528112 04232020[Icon] 23 4/23/2020 Deed of Trust
Grant Deed 10743 915 Antonio St 829 857 875 Alvarado St 09292020[Icon] 6 9/29/2020 Deed
LLA 10743 915 Antonio St 829 857 875 Alvarado St 09292020[Icon] 8 9/29/2020 Lot Line Adjustment
LLA 1604 1642 San Leandro Blvd 03122020[Icon] 8 3/12/2020 Lot Line Adjustment
NOC American Pavement 02072020[Icon] 2 2/7/2020 Notice of Completion
NOC American Pavement Systems 02072020[Icon] 2 2/7/2020 Notice of Completion
NOC Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 07082020[Icon] 2 7/8/2020 Notice of Completion
NOC Farrelly Pool Demo Phase[Icon] 2 10/25/2019 Notice of Completion
NOC Granite Construction Company 04212020[Icon] 2 4/21/2020 Notice of Completion
NOC Rays Electric Ped Crossings Improv 17-18 11162020[Icon] 2 11/16/2020 Notice of Completion
Notice of Default and election to sell 1796 Boxwood Ave 07152020[Icon] 8 7/15/2020 Notice of Default
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29 Entries
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