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Name Page count CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type Drawing Type Document Date (6) Recorded Document Type
Reso 2024-001 Appointment of Retired Annuitant Kevin Hart as Interim Police Chief[Icon] 1 Resolution 1/2/2024
Reso 2024-001 PA Directing the City Manager to Vote Yes for Parking Authority Owned Parcels[Icon] 1 Resolution 5/20/2024
Reso 2024-002 CLIMATEC PHASE III PROJECT[Icon] 1 Resolution 1/2/2024
Reso 2024-003 Agreement with Amazon[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/5/2024
Reso 2024-004 Library Gift of Funds[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/5/2024
Reso 2024-005 Purchase Orders with Dell Technologies[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/5/2024
Reso 2024-006 Transportation Element of the General Plan[Icon] 14 Resolution 2/5/2024
Reso 2024-007 Maze and Associates for Auditing Services[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-008 3rd Quarter Investment Report[Icon] 48 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-009 FY 23-24 1st Quarter Financial & Performance Measure Reports[Icon] 11 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-010 Robert Half for Staffing Augmentation[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-011 Accepting Improvements for Tract 8519 at 903 Manor Boulevard[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-012 Gates and Associates for Shoreline Park Project[Icon] 1 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-013 Good City Company for Bay Fair TOD[Icon] 3 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-014 Prohousing Designation Program[Icon] 2 Resolution 2/20/2024
Reso 2024-015 Appointing Sbeydeh Walton[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/4/2024
Reso 2024-016 Pacific West Communities and BART[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/4/2024
Reso 2024-017 Janitorial Services NPSA[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/4/2024
Reso 2024-018 Lee and Ro CSA Amendment Cap[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/4/2024
Reso 2024-019 First 5 MOU 2023-2024[Icon] 19 Resolution 3/8/2024
Reso 2024-020 Redwood Law Group[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/4/2024
Reso 2024-021 Resolution Adopting Amended Citizen Participation Plan and CDBG Contingency Plan[Icon] 2 Resolution 3/18/2024
Reso 2024-022 Eden Road MOU[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/18/2024
Reso 2024-023 Accepting Other Post-Employment Benefits ‎(OPEB)‎ and Pension Trust Investment Report[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/18/2024
Reso 2024-024 Reallocate $1,078,857 in the American Rescue Plan Act ‎(ARPA)‎ Budget[Icon] 1 Resolution 3/18/2024
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