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CIT`5' OF SAN LE_ANDRO <br />SUBD~rISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT <br />(PUELIC IMPROVEMENTS) <br />TICS AGREEMENT, executed in triplicate, for purposes of identification dated 3 -1'' - 0 3, is <br />made and entered into by and between. the CITE' OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation of the State. <br />of California, hereinafter referred to as "City," and EAYSIDE BC, L.P. A California Limited <br />Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider.". <br />RECITALS <br />A. Subdivider has presented to City a certain final snap or parcel snap of a proposed subdivision of <br />land located within the corporate limits of the Ci~~ of San Leandro. <br />$. The proposed subdivision of land is commonly known and described as. APN 079-0515-002- <br />08, and bears the Subdivision Map Traet No. 738?. Said subdivision is hereinafter referred to as "the <br />subdivision," <br />C. The map of the subdivision was filed with the City Engineer for presentation to the City Council <br />of City for its approval which map is referred to and incorporated herein. <br />D. Subdivider has requested approval of the snap prior to the construction and completion of <br />improvements including, but not limited to, streets, highways or public ways, public utility facilities and <br />other facilities which are part of or appurtenant to the subdivision that are required by the Subdivision Map <br />Act, the Subdivision Regulations of City, the Vesting Tentative Map (and approvals given in connection <br />therewith) and fma] grading plan, if any, heretofore approved by City. Said improvements are hereinafter <br />referred to as "the required improvements." <br />E. A condition of City Council resolution of approval of the map of the subdivision and acceptance <br />of offers of dedication made nt conueetiotl therewith (except as otherwise provided) is that Subdivider first <br />enter into and execute fliis subdivision vnprovement agreement with City, and meet flee requirements of said <br />resolution. <br />TRAC7 MAP 7352 <br />sUBDIV1s10N IMPROVE1vIENT AGREEMENT 1PUBLIC ]MPROVEA9ENT) <br />G:A_LD\ TraetMap&Parcel\~Iap\T'm73S2HohenerProp\S UB]MP(publie).AGP..doc <br />PAGE 1~ OF 16 <br />