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Agmt 2010 Mercy Housing California XXXIII LP etc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2010 Mercy Housing California XXXIII LP etc
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Last modified
7/29/2010 3:07:11 PM
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7/29/2010 3:06:31 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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r <br />• <br />AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />MERCY HOUSING CALIFORNIA XXXIII LP, AND GIRLS, INC. <br />This Agreement and Release of Claims (this "Agreement") is entered into and made effective this <br />~~day of , 2010 (the "Effective Date"), by and between the City of San Leandro, a municipal <br />corporation, u~ganized and existing under the laws of the State of California (the "City"), Mercy <br />Housing California XXXIII LP, a California limited partnership ("Mercy"), and Girls, Inc., a California non- <br />profitcorporation ("Girls"). City, Mercy and Girls are individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively <br />referred to as the "Parties." <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, Girls, Inc. operates its program located at 13666 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA <br />("Girls Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, Mercy is the operator of the Casa Verde property located at 2394 East 14th, San <br />Leandro, CA ("Mercy Property"), which is adjacent to the Girls Property; and <br />WHEREAS, the Mercy Property and the Girls Property share a common boundary line wherein <br />water in s~io~ seeped onto and into the Girls Property, causing water damage to Girls Property on or <br />about ~C.T . , 2009 ("Water Intrusion Damage"), the cause of which is disputed between the <br />Parties; and <br />WHEREAS, Girls filed a claim with Mercy for reimbursement of Girls' expenses to repair the Water <br />Intrusion Damage to the Girls Property, which was denied by Mercy's commercial liability carrier on <br />December 31, 2009, such that Girls now looks to the City and Mercy for payment to reimburse Girls for its <br />costs to repair the Water Intrusion Damage; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has proposed, and Parties have negotiated, a resolution of the above- <br />referenceddispute and payment to reimburse Girls to repair the Water Intrusion Damage, as set forth in <br />more detail herein. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the risks and costs attendant in litigating the foregoing <br />dispute, the Parties have agreed to resolve and compromise all disputes between them that are in any way <br />related to the water intrusion damage on the terms set forth below. <br />Section 1 Pavment to Girls for Water Intrusion Damage. <br />1.1 Water Intrusion Damage Reimbursement by Mercv and City to Girls. Within ten (10) <br />business days following the Effective Date, Mercy shall pay to Girls by good check thirteen thousand one <br />hundred seventy-seven dollars eighty-one cents ($13,177.81) for reimbursement of Girls' costs to repair the <br />Water Intrusion Damage, the costs of which are as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein. The Parties agree that the costs shown in Exhibit A are the total costs, and that no other costs <br />other than those in Exhibit A are the subject of this Agreement. <br />1.2 Pavment is the Singular Responsibility of Mercv. The Parties acknowledge that the <br />payment mentioned herein is the singular responsibility of Mercy. The Parties agree that the obligation to <br />1434123.1 <br />Agreement and Release of Claims <br />Girls, Inc. water intrusion damage claim <br />
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