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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY COUNCIL RULES AND COMMUNICATIONS COMNIITTEE <br />January 3, 2008 <br />4:00 - 5:30 p.m. <br />San Leandro City Hall <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />(City Manager's Large Conference Room) <br />HIGHLIGHTS <br />Committee Members: Mayor Tony Santos (Chair), Councilmembers Diana Souza and Bill <br />Stephens <br />City Staff: Marian Handa, Steve Hollister, 7ayne Williams <br />The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. <br />1. Update on Instant Run-off Voting <br />Assistant City Manager Hollister indicated that after staff provides the Committee with the latest <br />update, a recommendation to the City Council should be made regarding the 2008 municipal <br />election schedule. <br />City Clerk Handa provided the Committee with a written report giving an update on the status of <br />the Instant Runoff Voting (1RV) system. The system, designed by Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc., <br />is currently undergoing federal testing. Once it passes federal testing, the IRV system will still <br />need to pass the State certification process. Since the last update, the City and County of San <br />hrancisco has contracted with Sequoia for its IRV system. <br />Chair Santos remarked that IRV was supposed to be available sooner than now. He expressed <br />concern about how to minimize election costs and candidates' campaign expenses without IRV. <br />Committee Member Stephens commented that IRV would be more cost-effective than holding <br />two elections, but that the lack of system certification is an issue. <br />Committee Member Souza stated that she was not supportive of majority elections, and she noted <br />that the results of the general election rarely change in a runoff. She pointed out that in the short <br />history of San Leandro runoff elections, the outcome has never been changed by the runoff. <br />Chair Santos noted that Measure F, the Charter amendment requiring candidates to be elected by <br />50°10+1 votes, was overwhelmingly passed by the voters in 2000. Committee Member Stephens <br />