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• <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />• <br />CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />September 14, 2006 <br />4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. <br />San Leandro City Hall <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California <br />Sister Cities Gallery Room <br />HIGHLIGHTS <br />Committee Members: Councilmember Stephens (Chair), Councilmember Badger <br />City staff present: John Jermanis, Steve Hollister, Luke Sims, Debbie Pollart, Cynthia <br />Battenberg, Kathleen Livermore, Ryan Evans and Tim Ricard <br />Public present: Charles Gilcrest, Heidi Finberg <br />The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. <br />1. Proposed Development Moratorium on TOD Opportunity Sites and TOD Update <br />Planner Livermore gave an update on the downtown Transit Oriented Development (TOD) <br />project. The following meetings have been held since the last Committee meeting. <br />• June 13 -Land Use Alternatives presented to Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC). <br />• August 26 -Financial Feasibility Analysis, including detailed analysis of three sites <br />(BART/Westlake, Town Hall Square and downtown Albertsons), presented to CAC. <br />• September 8 -Developers Symposium attended by 22 members of the public, <br />including CAC, BART, AC Transit, MTC and ABAG representatives. Panelists from <br />AF Evans, Shea Commercial, Triad, MacFarlane, Equity Community Builders, Bridge <br />Housing and Retail West provided input on development. Meeting Notes attached. <br />Additionally, a Community Meeting is scheduled for September 30 to update the public on <br />Land Use Alternatives, Financial Feasibility Study and parking analysis results. Press <br />releases and other outreach are currently being distributed. <br />Planning Manager Pollart explained that while developing the South Area Strategy, the City <br />tagged properties in the study area to require additional oversight. Given the importance of <br />downtown development, the CAC expressed interest in protecting the downtown targeted <br />development sites until the study has been completed. In response to CAC input, staff is <br />recommending a moratorium be placed on the 39 identified TOD sites to ensure that projects <br />inconsistent with the TOD recommendations do not move forward while the plan is being <br />developed. Specifically, the moratorium would be on planning entitlements, such as Planned <br />Development, Conditional Use Permits and variances. Building permits and business <br />licenses would not be affected. The moratorium is recommended through the completion of <br />the TOD strategy and update of zoning code amendments. The study is scheduled for <br />