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Agmt 2005 Banc of America Leasing & Capital LLC
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2005 Banc of America Leasing & Capital LLC
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Reso 2005-050
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MASTER EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />This Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement (the ~Agreement~ dated as of <br />May 2, 2005, and entered into between Banc of America Leasing 8>; Capital, LLC, a <br />Delaware limited liability company (°L.essor~, and City of San Leandro, California, a body <br />corporate and politic existing under the laws of the State of California ("l,essee'~. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, Lessee desires to lease and acquire from Lessor certain Equipment <br />described in each Schedule (as each such term is defined herein), subject to the terms and <br />conditions of and for the purposes set forth in each Lease; and in the event of a conflict <br />the terms of a Schedule prevail; and <br />WHEREAS, the relationship between the parties shall be a continuing one and items <br />of equipment may be added to the Equipment from time to time by execution of <br />additional Schedules by the parties hereto and as otherwise provided herein; and <br />WHEREAS, Lessee is authorized under the constitution and laws of the State to enter <br />into this Agreement and the Schedules hereto for the purposes set forth herein; and <br />WHEREAS, the governing body of Lessee has authorized the execution and delivery <br />of this Agreement and the Leases pursuant to Resolution No. 2005-050 , <br />approved on ~pI7118 .2005; <br />Now, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, and in consideration of the premises hereinafter contained, the parties <br />hereby agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE I <br />Section 1.01. Definitions. The following terms will have the meanings indicated <br />below unless the context clearly requires otherwise: <br />°Acquisition Amounts means the amount specified in each Lease and represented <br />by Lessee to be sufficient to acquire the Equipment listed in such Lease, which amount <br />shall be not less than $100,000 for each Lease. <br />"Acquisition Fund° means, with respect to any Lease, the fund established and held <br />by the Escrow Agent pursuant to the related Escrow Agreement, if any. <br />°Escrow Agreement° means, with respect to any Lease, an Escrow Agreement, <br />substantially in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto, in form and substance acceptable to <br />and executed by Lessee, Lessor and the Escrow Agent, pursuant to which an Acquisition <br />Fund is established and administered. <br />#219845v12A (Gov't Entity Master Lease) 1 <br />
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