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<br />City of San Leandro 2012-13 City Manager’s Proposed Budget City Council Meeting May 21, 2012 1 <br />Overview •Budget overview and process •City Council goals •One-time needs expenditures •Total City budget •General fund budget •RDA and Successor Agency •Special Revenue, Enterprise, <br />and Internal Service funds •Capital Improvement Program •Next Steps 2 <br />Budget Overview and Process •Budget – based on estimates, projections, fluid plans •Public Process –Began in October –Finance Committee -November through May –City Council retreat in <br />February –City Council work sessions March and April •Strategies addressing one-time needs •Services funded through the budget –Mid-year review – budget adjustments 3 <br />Budget Overview (cont) •Considerations –Hold the line on staffing and in general, expenditures –Maintain existing service levels –Dissolution of RDA 4 <br />Budget Overview (cont) •Focus on sustainable budget –Conservative revenue projections –Contribution to General Fund reserves –Labor negotiations –Balancing future fund deficits –Measure <br />Z sunsets in 2018 •World economic impact, i.e. European debt crisis •For 2012-13, State deficit of $15.7 billion, Alameda County of $88 million 5 <br />City Council Goals Place the City on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability Work with the community and all stakeholders towards completing major projects and programs <br />for sustainable economic development Provide quality public safety services and work in partnership with the community to keep San Leandro safe Maintain and enhance City’s infrastructure <br />Support programs, activities and communication that enhance quality of life in San Leandro and promote sense of community and civic pride Maintain and support strong positive relationship <br />between the City and schools 6 <br />One-time Needs Expenditures 2011-12 Fund Balance 7 2012-13 City Council Goals One-Time Need Proposed Funding Foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability Transfer to Economic Uncertainty <br />reserve $ 600,000 Complete projects for sustainable economic development Leverage for grant application(s) for economic development 50,000 Provide quality public safety keeping community <br />safe Crime analysis/information sharing software 50,000 Maintain and enhance infrastructure Building Capital Improvement projects ADA compliance plan Fiber optic loop project 540,000 <br />75,000 60,000 Enhance the quality of life and promote sense of community and civic pride Library book budget challenge, includes community matching program Community assistance grant, <br />restore 15% CDBG reduction Project literacy, includes matching program 50,000 15,000 40,000 Strong positive relationship between City and schools San Leandro Museum and Art Gallery <br />– school tours 25,000 Additional one-time funding from City Manager Contingency TBD (See handout) 50,000 Total $1,555,000 <br />Every Year’s Budget Uniquely Challenging 2012-13 •Unwinding redevelopment •Affects of Great Recession continue •Labor negotiations •Measure Z sunsets 5 years from March 2013 •Even with <br />Measure Z, total revenues remain below 2006-07 8 <br />Total City Budget Revenues $120,519,405 9 General Fund, $75,098,410 62% Special Revenue Funds, $7,876,531 7% Capital Improvement Projects Fund, $185,000 Debt Service Funds, $2,945,211 <br />2% Enterprise Funds, $16,711,210 14% Internal Service Fund, $11,769,178 10% Successor Agency Funds, $5,933,865 5% <br />Total City Budget Expenditures $119,454,751 10 General Fund $76,089,578 63% Special Revenue Funds $8,971,545 8% Capital Improvement Projects Fund $185,000 0% Debt Service Funds $2,914,578 <br />2% Enterprise Funds $13,850,511 12% Internal Service Funds $11,509,495 10% Successor Agency Funds 5,933,865 5% <br />General Fund Annual Expenditures and Revenues Historical Data, 2006-07 thru 2012-13 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 <br />2012-13 Revenues $ 78,113,000 $ 75,261,000 $ 71,133,000 $ 70,718,000 $ 72,548,000 $ 74,605,000 $ 75,098,000 Expenditures 72,049,000 77,397,000 78,097,000 74,305,000 69,677,000 72,252,000 <br />76,090,000 Net $ 6,064,000 $ (2,136,000) $ (6,964,000) $ (3,587,000) $ 2,871,000 $ 2,353,000 $ (992,000) 11 64,000,000 66,000,000 68,000,000 70,000,000 72,000,000 74,000,000 76,000,000 <br />78,000,000 80,000,000 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Revenues Expenditures $6.0m Surplus $7.0m Deficit $2.8m Surplus <br />Why General Fund Revenue Challenge? •San Leandro residential property value decline, secured property assessed value dropped •San Leandro residential foreclosures still at historical <br />levels –20 per month in 2008-09 down to 13 per month in 2011-12 •San Leandro unemployment at 10.7%; Alameda County at 9.3% •Development and construction declined –City building permits <br />down by 41% since 2006-07 –Valuation down 39% 12 <br />General Fund Annual Revenues 2006-07 through 2012-13 13 -2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 12,500,000 15,000,000 17,500,000 20,000,000 22,500,000 25,000,000 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 <br />2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Proposed Property Tax Sales Tax Franchise Fees 911 Fee/Tax Property Transfer Tax Business License Tax Other Revenues Meas. Z $869k Meas. Z $3.8m <br />Meas. Z $3.8m <br />General Fund Expenditure Summary 14 Hold the line budget, no additional department reductions -One full-time position restoredIncreased Costs:Employee furlough termination666,000$ Fire <br />services contract603,000 RDA -transfer positions from RDA (revenue offset)533,000 PERS rates -miscellaneous employees509,000 General liability claim costs478,000 RDA -transfer services <br />from RDA (revenue offset)439,000 PERS rates -public safety employees323,000 Other ISF allocation245,000 Human Resources manager position192,000 CIP operating transfer185,000 Employee <br />health benefits111,000 Municipal election110,000 Other service and supply costs108,000 Additional vehicle replacements66,000 Legal services and other consulting62,000 Expected Savings:Refinancing <br />public safety pension(300,000) Total increase in General Fund expenditures4,330,000$ <br />Budget Balancing Strategies 2012-13 15 Increase Sales Tax revenue estimate, adjusting forecast to factor in 2011-12 increases $ 267,000 Appropriate portion of building permit revenue <br />to match 2012-13 expenditure requirement 300,000 Appropriate Community Impact payment (20%) without offsetting transfer increasing reserves 300,000 Use 2011-12 carryover Fund Balance <br />for limited duration (first of five years) fire apparatus lease payment 207,000 Department reorganizations, limited hiring freeze and extended vacancy duration prior to recruitment, <br />eliminating summer interns from E&T and directly impact capital improvement projects (same as 2011-12) 244,000 Total $ 1,318,000 <br />General Fund Budget Summary 2011-12 and 2012-13 16 2011-12 Adopted2011-12 Projected2012-13 ProposedBeginning fund balance468,000$ 2,468,000$ 2,821,000$ Operating revenues71,760,000 74,605,000 <br />75,098,000 Operating expenditures(71,692,000) (72,003,000) (75,833,000) Operating transfers(68,000) (249,000) (257,000) Total expenditures(71,760,000) (72,252,000) (76,090,000) Operating <br />surplus/deficit-2,353,000 (992,000) Other sources/(uses)-(2,000,000) -Ending fund balance468,000$ 2,821,000$ 1,829,000$ Use of fund balance:Building permit revenue300,000$ Community <br />impact designation300,000 Fire apparatus lease payment207,000 Capital improvements185,000 992,000$ <br />General Fund Budget $76,089,578 17 Police $25,330,94233.3%Fire $18,888,75324.8%General Government$3,871,3455.1%Finance$2,298,7943.0%Non-Departmental/Transfers$1,558,9081.0%Recreation <br />& Human Resources$3,990,0235.2%Library Services$4,680,1676.2%Engineering & Transportation$2,461,1593.2%Community Development$3,851,1255.1%Debt Service$4,866,1026.4%Public Works$4,292,2605.6% <br />Total City Staffing 18 •2012-13 decrease primarily due to RDA dissolution •2008-09 baseline year for comparison 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 <br />379.8 337.1 290.2 292.1 297.0 120.0 116.7 115.4 117.1 109.5 # of Full-time Equivalents General Fund Other Funds 499.8 452.7 (-9%) 404.5 (-19%) 409.2 (-18%) 406.5 (-19%) <br />Seven Year Forecast, General Fund Revenues and Expenditures 2012-13 through 2018-19 69,000,000 71,000,000 73,000,000 75,000,000 77,000,000 79,000,000 81,000,000 83,000,000 85,000,000 <br />87,000,000 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Revenues Expenditures Measure Z Expires 3-31-2018 COPS Grant Expires 19 <br />RDA Elimination Revenues and Expenditures 20 Tax Increment $10,824,000 Operations $3,234,000 Property Taxes $760,000 Other Revenue $231,500 Capital Improvements $1,205,000 Administration <br />$250,000 Service/Spls $492,000 Debt Service $4,966,000 Other Revenue $310,000 Salaries/Benefits $473,000 $-$2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 ROPS Bonds $4,195,000 <br />Bayfair 200,000 SLUSD 327,000 Auto Mall 95,000 GF Loan 173,000 HUD 108 172,000 Misc 164,000 Total $5,326.000 ROPS Reimbursement $5,326,000 Overhead$355,00Scenario B 2011-12 Adopted Budget <br />Revenues 2011-12 Adopted Budget Expenditures 2012-13 Proposed Budget Expenditures 2012-13 Proposed Budget Revenues <br />Scenario B Administrative/Program and Overhead Expenditures 21 Expenditure DescriptionProposedSalaries and Benefits438,770$ Administration and Operating46,500 Programs:Chamber support10,000$ <br />Stepping Stones22,000 Downtown sidewalk cleaning20,000 Downtown PBID40,000 Farmer's Market9,000 Downtown Business Assoc. support5,000 Incentives (façade, broadband, etc)180,000 Downtown <br />holiday lights5,000 Everyone Home6,000 Fair Housing Program10,000 Mortgage credit certificate1,000 DSFRC Affordable housing11,000 Single Family Rehab55,000 First Time Home Buyer35,000 <br />Project financial analysis20,000 Marketing30,000 Memberships23,500 Total Programs482,500 Overhead Costs (ISF)103,006 RDA O/H costs redistributed to Gen Fund depts249,224 Total Scenario <br />B Expenditures1,320,000$ <br />Special Revenue Fund Summary 22 Fund DescriptionRevenuesExpendituresOperatingSurplus/DeficitCDBG$ 561,000$ (539,000)$ 22,000HOME Grant Housing141,000(141,000)0Housing In Lieu000Business <br />Improvement District299,000(297,000)2,000Parking 275,000(320,000)(45,000)Park Development Fees31,000(18,000)13,000Heron BayMaintenance330,000(438,000)(108,000)Cherrywood Maintenance22,000022,000Asset <br />Seizure 6,00006,000Grants1,891,000(1,927,000)(36,000)Public Education& Government (PEG)150,000(149,000)1,000 <br />2012-13 Enterprise Fund Summary 23 Fund Description Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Water Pollution Control Plant 8,287,000 12,340,000* (9,176,000) 11,451,000 <br />Environmental Services $ 1,205,000 $ 1,167,000 $ (1,404,000) $ 968,000 Shoreline (136,000) 2,130,000 (2,116,000) (122,000) Storm Water 242,000 1,075,000 (1,155,000) 162,000 * Includes <br />$260,000 loan repayment for Public Safety Retirement Side Fund refinancing <br />Internal Services Revenue Funds Summary 24 Fund Description Revenues Expenditures Operating Surplus/Deficit Building Maintenance $ 2,864,000 $ (2,864,000) $ 0 Information Services 3,674,000 <br />(3,674,000) 0 Self Insurance 3,500,000 (3,240,000) 260,000 Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 1,731,000 (1,731,000) 0 <br />Capital Improvement Program Summary 17 Projects ($5.335 million) Projects are maintenance and safety related 4 of the City Council Top 10 projects are funded (12 of the top 25) Funding <br />Summary: • Developer Fees for Street Improvements $ 91,528 • General Fund 185,000 • Park Development Fees 17,946 • Gas Tax (Section 2103) 931,112 • Measure B 2,184,356 • Heron Bay Maintenance <br />Assessment District 100,000 • Special Grants 496,202 • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 86,139 • Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise fund 1,243,000 Total Capital Improvement <br />Program Funding $ 5,335,283 25 <br />Next Steps •Public Hearing – City Council meeting June 4, 2012 •Published Adopted Budget will be available in August •Adopted budget available via –City’s website –City’s libraries –Senior <br />community center •Budget in Brief available in July 26 <br />Questions? 27