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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2014-003 <br /> RESOLUTION SUPPORTING EFFORTS TO IDENTIFY FUNDING FOR THE <br /> DEVELOPMENT OF A CREEK WALK AND MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is committed to and supports efforts to identify <br /> funding for the design and development of an urban creek walk along the banks of San Leandro <br /> Creek; and <br /> WHEREAS, approximately half of the proposed multi-purpose trail would be in the City <br /> of San Leandro and the other half in the City of Oakland, is on land owned by the Alameda <br /> County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, cities and school districts of San <br /> Leandro and Oakland, private and commercial interests; would begin at Martin Luther King Jr. <br /> Regional Shoreline and end at Anthony Chabot Regional Park, both owned and operated by East <br /> Bay Regional Park District; and <br /> WHEREAS, if developed, such a creek walk would serve to provide a host of public <br /> benefits to the residents of San Leandro and Oakland, including reconnecting communities and <br /> neighborhoods that have been separated by urban development; and <br /> WHEREAS, an urban creek walk also would serve to promote healthy lifestyles by <br /> providing the public with an easily-accessible trail and additional opportunities to explore the <br /> natural environment: and <br /> WHEREAS, such a project would directly benefit low-income and disadvantaged urban <br /> • <br /> community residents by providing them with direct access to open space; and <br /> WHEREAS, an urban creek walk provides direct and indirect economic benefits to the <br /> entire community by creating a new downtown attraction for visitors who may also frequent <br /> local businesses; and <br /> WHEREAS, revitalizing creek side areas also serves to improve water quality through <br /> the restoration of creek banks and beds and associated drainage channels; and <br /> WHEREAS, such a project would increase public awareness of the need to protect local <br /> watersheds and avoid discharging pollutants into the natural environment and San Francisco <br /> Bay; and <br /> WHEREAS, an urban creek walk more generally would serve to make San Leandro and <br /> Oakland better places to live, work and play. <br /> NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of San Leandro SUPPORTS <br /> efforts to identify funding for the development of the San Leandro Creek Walk and Multi- <br /> purpose trail. <br />