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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> ORDINANCE NO.2014-012 <br /> ORDINANCE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> ENACTING A TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE <br /> STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION <br /> WHEREAS, Section 7285.9 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code authorizes <br /> cities to levy, increase or extend a transactions and use tax ("sales tax" or"sales and use tax") at <br /> a rate of 0.125% (or any multiple thereof) to be expended for general purposes, which <br /> transactions and use tax is subject to the approval by a two-thirds majority vote of all the <br /> members of the City Council and by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the City voting in <br /> an election on the issue; and <br /> WHEREAS, Article XIII C, section 2 of the California Constitution requires that a <br /> general tax must be approved by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the City voting in an <br /> election on the issue, and that said election shall be consolidated with a regularly scheduled <br /> general election for members of the governing body of the local government; and <br /> WHEREAS, a majority of the voters of the City of San Leandro approved a one-quarter <br /> cent (0.25%) Transactions and Use(Sales)Tax, which expires March 2018; and <br /> WHEREAS, this local funding that cannot be taken by the State has ensured that current <br /> service levels for public safety, parks, libraries, and other City services and programs are <br /> maintained with a reliable source of voter-approved funding; and <br /> WHEREAS, although this funding maintains current service levels, it does not allow the <br /> City to address a growing backlog of unfunded public safety, infrastructure, and other program <br /> and service needs; and <br /> WHEREAS,upon expiration of the current sales and use tax measure, the City of San <br /> Leandro faces an ongoing budget deficit in the magnitude of approximately$4 million annually, <br /> which would result in drastic reductions in many of the City's existing services, facilities and <br /> programs such as cuts to neighborhood patrol officers, fire prevention services, 911 emergency <br /> response services, school officers and crossing guards unless additional sources of revenue can be <br /> found; and <br /> WHEREAS, thousands of people visit San Leandro every day and existing, voter- <br /> approved local funding ensures that those visitors pay their fair share for police, fire, street repair <br /> and other services visitors use when they are in San Leandro; and <br /> WHEREAS, any voter-approved funding would continue to include annual audits and <br /> oversight by the City's Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee of community members to <br /> ensure funds are spent properly; and <br /> ORDINANCE NO.2014-012 1 <br />