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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 <br />Ordinance <br />Agenda Section:File Number:15-445 CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number:8.G. <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Chris Zapata <br />City Manager <br />BY:Cynthia Battenberg <br />Community Development Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable <br />TITLE:ORDINANCE of the City of San Leandro Rezoning the Shoreline <br />Development Project Site from CR-Commercial Recreation to <br />RM-2000-Residential Multi-Family and CC-Community Commercial, Both with <br />a PD-Planned Development Zoning District Overlay (PLN2012-00040) <br />WHEREAS, as part of a public/private partnership, the City of San Leandro and Cal <br />Coast Development, LLC propose to redevelop an approximately 75-acre area including 52 <br />acres of land area and 23 acres of water area (both owned by the City) which encompasses <br />the San Leandro Marina and surrounding properties. The Project proposes a mixed use <br />development with residential, office, commercial and public recreational uses. The <br />development would build new features including an approximately 150,000-square-foot office <br />campus, a new 200-room hotel, an approximately 15,000-square-foot conference center, up <br />to 354 housing units, 3 new restaurants totaling approximately 21,000 square feet, a new <br />parking structure and related improvements. A variety of public amenities would be installed, <br />including a new approximately 2,500-square-foot community library/community meeting <br />space, an aquatic center/dock, bocce ball courts, outdoor recreational areas, picnic areas, a <br />perched beach, pedestrian piers, two miles of public promenade, a natural shoreline element <br />along the interior of the harbor basin, a pedestrian/bicycle bridge, a boardwalk/lookout pier, <br />several small finger piers, and refurbishment of existing public restrooms on site. <br />Implementation of the Project would remove several existing structures and uses, including <br />the 462 existing boat slips, the El Torito restaurant building, the harbormaster’s office, and the <br />San Leandro Yacht Club building, among others. The harbor would only be open to <br />non-motorized watercraft, so the Project includes the construction of a small boat launch, a <br />kayak storage building, and an aeration fountain in the harbor basin to aid in water circulation; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Project includes applications 1) to amend the General Plan land use <br />designation from Parks and Recreation to Medium Density Residential for approximately 12 <br />acres for proposed residences on the 9-hole golf course; 2) to rezone approximately 12 acres <br />from Commercial Recreation to RM 2000(PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development <br />overlay consistent with the General Plan amendment, and rezone approximately 40 acres <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/2/2015