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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ORDINANCE NO.2020-010 <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE A <br />REZONING OF A 1.27 ACRE PARCEL AT 1388 BANCROFT AVENUE FROM <br />PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (P), TO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, PLANNED <br />DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT, P(PD), ALAMEDA COUNTY ASSESSOR'S <br />PARCEL NUMBER 77-524-12-4 (PLN18-0046) <br />WHEREAS, on June 14, 2018, Tom Silva of Eden Realty ("Applicant") submitted an <br />application for a Planned Development and Site Plan Review (PLN18-0046) proposing to <br />redevelop a 1.27 acre property located at 1388 Bancroft Avenue with a 45 unit multifamily <br />residential Planned Development project ("Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the application was evaluated and deemed complete on October 12, 2018 <br />and, in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act, an initial study was prepared <br />shortly thereafter; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the <br />Project on December 20, 2018, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be <br />heard; and <br />WHEREAS, at said hearing the Planning Commission considered the proposed Project, <br />including the Initial Study -Mitigated Negative Declaration (including comments and responses), <br />the staff report, recommended findings for approval, and public comments and testimony <br />provided at or prior to the hearing. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission <br />adopted Resolutions Nos. 2018-005 and 2018-006, recommending the City Council approve the <br />Initial Study -Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Project. The Planning Commission <br />Resolutions dated December 20, 2018 are incorporated herein by reference; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council, after giving all public notices required by State law and <br />the San Leandro Zoning Code, held a duly noticed public hearing on February 4, 2019, to <br />consider the Project with 45 units and the draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />for the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, following receipt and consideration of written and verbal comments on the <br />proposed project and Mitigated Negative Declaration at the February 4, 2019 hearing, the City <br />Council directed the applicant to reduce the Project's density and number of units; and <br />WHEREAS, the applicant prepared and submitted revisions to the Project one year later <br />on February 4, 2020, reducing the total number of units from 45 to 42, removing the rooftop <br />patio, and replacing the footprint of the removed units with a widened sports lawn area; and <br />WHEREAS, a Planned Development establishes a procedure for the development of <br />larger parcels of land in order to reduce or eliminate the rigidity, delays, and inequities that <br />