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<br />From: Dave Sinclair <> <br />Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 2:48 PM <br />To: _Council <> <br />Subject: Defund the Police <br /> <br /> <br />Hello City Council members, <br />We're hearing rumors that you will getting some anti-police/defund the police bs at the meeting tonight.  Some of you caved to a small group of a couple hundred people wanting to defund <br /> the police a few years ago and look at what happened, increase in crime, its not even safe to walk our neighborhoods anymore, all thanks to those who supported and voted to defund the <br /> police which really makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution, you can take your share of blame for the increase in crime in our city, that's why the stealing of Cat <br /> converters, vehicles, retail thief, armed home/car break-ins have increased. <br /> <br />You serious need to stop worrying about your next election seat and work for the people of this city to which majority support our police dept., we fully support our police dept and <br /> think they need an increase in funds and whatever else they need to stay safe on our streets dealing with the worse of the worse. <br /> <br />While some of you live in your gated communities or rich neighborhoods where you are safe, good for you but most of SL residents don't have the luxury of having these safe places.  When <br /> it comes to our residents your caring seems to come only when its election time, because if you did really care you would not have voted a few years ago to defund the police and should <br /> not happened again. <br /> <br />While you all were safely hoarded up in your homes and had the luxury of working from home with full pay during the pandemic, our SLPD was out in the streets trying to protect us and <br /> they had only a mask hoping it would protect them from covid, they didn't receive any kind of hazard pay or bonus, which they certainly should have. <br /> <br />We also would like to thank those who voted against defunding the police if it was done so because you want to be part of the solution and not because (several cm's) had a backdoor plan <br /> of wanting to defund the police of around 9 millions dollars. The truth is coming out and I sure hope it does before our next election, its time our residents vote for people who love <br /> this city and wants to protect our neighborhoods, not encourage crime and homelessness. <br /> <br />Karen on Neptune, representing my neighbors! <br /> <br /> <br />Sent from Mail for Windows