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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: July 18, 2022 <br />Presentation <br />Agenda Section:File Number:22-239 RECOGNITIONS <br />Agenda Number:3.b. <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Fran Robustelli <br />City Manager <br />BY:City Council <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable <br />TITLE:Proclaiming July 26, 2022 as Disability Independence Day in San Leandro <br />July 26, 2022, as Disability Independence Day <br />WHEREAS, National Disability Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990. The ADA protects people with disabilities from employment <br />discrimination and provides them with access to goods, services, and communications; and <br />WHEREAS, the law broke down common barriers faced by individuals with disabilities including <br />widening narrow doors and small bathroom stalls for wheelchair accessibility and adding braille signs and <br />crosswalks for the vision impaired; and <br />WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act motivated designers to enhance technology by <br />removing barriers that restrict a person’s ability to access legal or health information; and <br />WHEREAS, we encourage all employers to consider how accessible their business is to people with <br />disabilities and make improvements where needed; and <br />WHEREAS,.the ADA empowers people with disabilities to stand up for their rights and to give shout outs <br />to accessible businesses and using#DisabilityIndependenceDay on social media. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Pauline Russo Cutter, Mayor of the City of San <br />Leandro hereby proclaim July 26, 2022, as National Disability Independence Day and call upon our residents, , <br />public and private institutions, businesses, and schools to affirm the principals of equality and inclusion for persons <br />with disabilities, to celebrate the freedom the ADA inspires with forward thinking design and technology, and to <br />bring forth the promise of hope and freedom that is envisioned by the passage of the ADA. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022