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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: February 6, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 13.b. <br />Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS <br />File Number: 23-028 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Motion for a Minute Order to Approve a Proposal from Municipal Resources Group to Evaluate City Clerk <br />Reporting Options and Direct the City Attorney to Negotiate a Consulting Services Agreement <br />BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY <br />At the December 5, 2022 regular City Council meeting, the City Council provided direction to the City <br />Attorney to request a proposal from Municipal Resources Group (MRG) for consulting services to assist <br />the Council in evaluating City Clerk reporting options. As directed, the City Attorney reached out and <br />negotiated a scope of work with MRG, culminating in the proposal attached to this staff report. <br />MRG proposes that Shirley Concolino would research and present an analysis of options for municipal <br />clerk organizational positions and oversight. Ms. Concolino has worked with elected officials and city <br />managers for more than 35 years. She retired as City Clerk of the City of Sacramento, one of four <br />Council-appointed charter officers, being the senior charter officer and the highest-ranking female in the <br />organization. Prior to coming to Sacramento, Shirley held positions supporting elected officials and city <br />managers/county administrative officers in the City of Davis and the County of Solano. <br />Ms. Concolino started in government service as a public safety dispatcher. She has been very involved in <br />a variety of municipal programs. She was an instructor in Sacramento’s City University (CU) program, <br />creating and teaching a highly successful and sought-after class entitled “Success at the Podium.” She <br />served as a City Protocol Officer, Sister Cities Coordinator, and led many task forces and project teams. <br />She led the Sacramento City Clerk’s office to the forefront statewide in terms of technology and service <br />delivery. That program received statewide recognition for agenda management practices and access to <br />government records and legislative documents. <br />Ms. Concolino is certified as an MMC, a distinguished city clerk Master Municipal Certification, and is <br />past president of the City Clerk Association of California (CCAC). In 2010, she was selected by CCAC <br />as California City Clerk of the Year. Shirley is also active in the International Institute of Municipal Clerks <br />(IIMC), having taught national seminars. Shirley holds a liberal arts degree from Ambassador College. <br /> <br />If the City Council wishes to move forward with MRG’s proposal, in order to achieve as much efficiency <br />as possible, a Council ad hoc committee would be an effective means to receive from and synthesize <br />information with the Consultant as they execute the scope of work. The tentative schedule of deliverables <br />would be a preliminary report for data review and analysis with the ad hoc committee in February/March <br />with a final report to the whole Council to be scheduled for end of March or April, depending on the <br />information needs and questions from the ad hoc committee. The estimated amount for services is <br />$25,000, which is within the City Manager’s authority to approve. Therefore, what is presented before <br />the Council for action is the proposal and if so moved, direction to the City Attorney to negotiate a <br />consulting services agreement based on the proposal. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/2/2023