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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: March 6, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 3.c. <br />Agenda Section: RECOGNITIONS <br />File Number: 23-078 <br />File Type: Presentation <br />Proclamation for March 2023 as the 21st Annual March for Meals Month <br />WHEREAS, on March 22, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the <br />Older Americans Act of 1965 and established a national nutrition program for seniors 60 years and older; and <br />WHEREAS, Meals on Wheels America established the March for Meals campaign in March 2002 to <br />recognize the historic month, the importance of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Programs, both congregate <br />and home-delivered, and raise awareness about the escalating problem of senior hunger in America; and <br />WHEREAS, the 2023 observance of March for Meals celebrates 21 years of providing an opportunity to <br />support Meals on Wheels programs that deliver vital and critical services by donating, volunteering and raising <br />awareness about senior hunger and isolation; and <br />WHEREAS, Meals on Wheels programs - both congregate and home-delivered, in San Leandro have <br />served our communities admirably for more than four decades; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2022 SOSMOW delivered 69,787 meals to 371 seniors in San Leandro, and in 2022 <br />Spectrum Community Services served 14,257 meals to 313 seniors in San Leandro. <br />WHEREAS, Meals on Wheels programs in San Leandro provide nutritious meals to seniors throughout <br />San Leandro that help them maintain their health and independence, thereby preventing unnecessary falls, <br />hospitalizations and/or premature institutionalization; and <br />WHEREAS, Spectrum Community Services’ and SOS Meals on Wheels Programs serving San Leandro, <br />CA are more than a meal, providing a powerful socialization opportunity for millions of seniors to help combat <br />the negative health effects and economic consequences of loneliness and isolation; and <br />WHEREAS, Spectrum Community Services’ and SOS Meals on Wheels Programs serving San Leandro, <br />CA deserve recognition for the contributions they have made and will continue to make to local communities, <br />our State and our Nation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I Juan Gonzalez, III, Mayor of the City of San Leandro, do hereby proclaim March <br />2023 as the 21st Annual March for Meals Month and urge every citizen to take this month to honor our Meals <br />on Wheels programs, the seniors they serve and the volunteers who care for them. Our recognition of, and <br />involvement in, the national 2023 March for Meals can enrich our entire community and help combat senior <br />hunger and isolation in America. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of San Leandro to <br />be affixed this 6th day of March 2023. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/1/2023