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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: March 6, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 3.d. <br />Agenda Section: RECOGNITIONS <br />File Number: 23-079 <br />File Type: Presentation <br />Proclamation for March as Women’s History Month and March 8th as International Women’s Day <br />Proclamation <br />March as Women’s History Month and March 8th as International Women’s Day <br />WHEREAS, Congress declared March as Women’s History Month in 1987, and International Women’s <br />Day has been observed since the early 1900s; and <br />WHEREAS, women of every race, class, and ethnic background have made meaningful contributions to <br />the growth and strength of our San Leandro community and to the United States at large in countless ways; <br />WHEREAS, women have been leaders in securing their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity, as <br />well as in the abolitionist movement, the emancipation movement, the industrial labor movement, the civil <br />rights movement, and the peace movement, which creates a more fair and just society for all; and <br />WHEREAS, the theme of the 2023 International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias to encourage people to <br />help forge women’s equality; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2023, women are still vulnerable to injustices in the workplace, in our community and in <br />our homes, and women still struggle to earn equal pay, have their voice recognized as equal, and live free of <br />abuse and sexual harassment; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is committed to supporting policies and programs that uplift and <br />improve the lives of all women in our community. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Juan Gonzalez, III, Mayor of the City of San Leandro, do hereby proclaim March 2023, <br />as “Women’s History Month” and March 8, 2023, as “International Women’s Day” in the City of San <br />Leandro, and encourage all community members to observe this important month and to celebrate <br />International Women’s Day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal <br />of the City of San Leandro to be affixed this 6th day of March 2023. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/1/2023