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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: May 1, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 3.h. <br />Agenda Section: RECOGNITIONS <br />File Number: 23-196 <br />File Type: Presentation <br />April 30 - May 6, 2023 as 54th Annual Municipal Clerk’s Week Proclamation <br />..Body <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government <br />exists throughout the world, and <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk is the oldest among public servants, and <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, <br />the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels, and <br />Whereas, Professional Municipal Clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, <br />rendering equal service to all; and <br />Whereas, The Professional Municipal Clerk serves as the information center on functions of local <br />government and community; and <br />Whereas, Professional Municipal Clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the affairs of the <br />Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk through participation in education programs, seminars, workshops and the <br />annual meetings of their state, provincial, county and international professional organizations; and <br />Whereas, It is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Office of the Professional <br />Municipal Clerk. <br />Now, Therefore, I, Juan Gonzalez, Mayor of San Leandro, do recognize the week of April 30 through May 6, <br />2023, as Municipal Clerks Week, and further extend appreciation to our City Clerk, Kelly Clancy and to all CIty Clerks <br />for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. <br />Dated this 1st day of May 2023 <br />Attest: ____________________________ <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government <br />exists throughout the world, and <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk is the oldest among public servants, and <br />Whereas, The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, <br />the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels, and <br />Whereas, Professional Municipal Clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, <br />rendering equal service to all; and <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/26/2023