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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 3.b. <br />Agenda Section: RECOGNITIONS <br />File Number: 23-230 <br />File Type: Presentation <br />Proclamation to Recognize May 18, 2023 as Bike to Work Day <br />May 18, 2023, as Bike to Work Day <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro envisions a city where walking and bicycling are fully integrated <br />into daily life, providing environmentally friendly transportation alternatives that are both safe and convenient <br />for people of all ages and abilities; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council adopted an updated “Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan” in 2018 that <br />promotes the simple and basic concept that streets should be designed and operated to be safe and <br />accessible for all transportation users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders or motorists; and <br />WHEREAS, to date, the City of San Leandro has constructed 26.9 miles of Class II bike lanes, and are in <br />the planning stages of over 8 miles of protected class IV bike lanes along Bancroft Avenue, Williams Street, <br />San Leandro Boulevard, and E. 14th Street; and <br />WHEREAS, Bike East Bay, the Safe Routes to School Program, the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Advisory Committee, and the City Council encourage all citizens to ride their bicycles to school, work, park, and <br />around their neighborhoods to promote personal and societal benefits achieved from bicycling each and every <br />day. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Juan González, III, Mayor of the City of San Leandro, do hereby proclaim May 18, <br />2023, as “Bike to Work Day” in the City of San Leandro in recognition of our commitment to making San <br />Leandro a more bike-able city. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and <br />caused the Seal of the City of San Leandro to be affixed <br />this 15th day of May 2023. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023