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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: June 5, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 10.a. <br />Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />File Number: 23-244 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Approve a Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan for the <br />Proposed Interim Navigation Center/Shelter Project at the Nimitz Motel Located at 555 Lewelling Blvd <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Housing and Homelessness <br />·Race and Equity Initiatives <br />SUMMARY <br />Because the City will use State and federal funds to acquire the Nimitz Motel located at 555 <br />Lewelling Blvd for the purposes of developing an interim navigation center/shelter and future <br />conversion to permanent supportive housing for the unhoused, the City must comply with <br />applicable State and federal relocation regulations and guidelines for noticing and assistance. <br />The City has determined two (2) households may be permanently displaced and are eligible for <br />relocation assistance. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution to approve a Residential <br />Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan (Relocation Plan) for the proposed <br />acquisition and rehabilitation of the Nimitz Motel into an interim navigation center/shelter. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City entered into a purchase and sale agreement to purchase the Nimitz Motel in March <br />2022. Because the motel is active and has regular customers, the City understood that relocation <br />requirements would apply and hired Autotemp, an experienced acquisition and relocation firm, to <br />ensure that the City complies with State and federal relocation requirements. <br />Two households in the motel are eligible for residential relocation assistance. One of the <br />households is the on-site manager for the Nimitz Motel. Autotemp sent both households <br />mandatory General Information Notices in late March 2022. There are also two businesses <br />operating at the motel: a restaurant and a tailor shop, the latter is owned by the motel owner. Both <br />businesses are not eligible for relocation assistance, but staff will bring forward to the City Council <br />later in 2023 recommendations to assist the restaurant. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/31/2023