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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: December 31, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 5.g. <br />Agenda Section: Draft <br />File Number: 23-429 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Independently Consider the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) After <br />Evaluating the Environmental Impacts Associated with the Agreement and Project, (1) Concluding That <br />the MND Complies with CEQA Guidelines, (2) Conclude That the MND is Adequate to Support the City’s <br />Approval of the Lease for the Project, and (3) Imposes Mitigation Measures as a Condition of the City’s <br />Approval of the Lease for the Project and Approving a Lease Agreement Between the City of San <br />Leandro and Bandwidth IG, LLC for Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Fiber Optic Cable in <br />Submerged San Francisco Bay Lands and Terrestrial Lands Within Jurisdiction of San Leandro <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Infrastructure <br />·Sustainability & Resiliency <br />·Community & Business Development <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed Resolution considering and <br />approving the MND and granting the City Manager the authority to enter into a Lease Agreement, <br />subject to the City Attorney’s approval as to form, with Bandwidth IG, LLC (“Bandwidth”) for <br />submerged San Francisco Bay land and terrestrial land located within the City of San Leandro’s <br />jurisdiction, for a term of twenty-five (25) years. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The demand for faster and more broadband intensive data transmission has grown consistently <br />for several years and will continue to grow in the future. Data transferring infrastructure, such as <br />fiber optic cables, needs to be upgraded to keep up with technical advancements to transmit <br />uninterrupted data. Virtually all communications and data transmissions are converted to digital <br />data and transmitted across fiber optic cables. <br />Bandwidth, a telecommunications provider based in Sunnyvale, California, has embarked on a <br />project to install a new submarine fiber optic cable system which consists of two 2-inch-diameter <br />buried fiber optic cables and one 8-inch diameter high-intensity polyethylene (HDPE) conduit <br />across the San Francisco Bay in submerged lands from Brisbane in San Mateo County to San <br />Leandro in Alameda County, as well as a portion of terrestrial land located in San Leandro. <br />The project will install large capacity, fiber optic cables, connecting to existing and proposed fiber <br />optic cable infrastructure operated by Bandwidth and located within the City of San Leandro. This <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023