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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: March 4, 2024 <br />Agenda Number: 5.e. <br />Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />File Number: 24-077 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the Mayor to execute a Legal Services Agreement with Redwood <br />Public Law LLP, for Richard D. Pio Roda to continue serving as City Attorney, and Kristopher J. Kokotaylo to <br />continue serving as Senior Assistant City Attorney <br /> <br />SUMMARY <br />It is recommended that the City Council consider adopting a resolution approving and authorizing the <br />Mayor to execute a Legal Services Agreement with Redwood Public Law LLP, for Richard D. Pio Roda <br />to continue serving as City Attorney, and Kristopher J. Kokotaylo to continue serving as Senior <br />Assistant City Attorney. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In April 2013, the City Council appointed Richard D. Pio Roda as City Attorney. At that time, Mr. Pio <br />Roda was a Principal at the Meyers Nave law firm. The City Council first approved an agreement for <br />legal services with Meyers Nave in 1986, and attorneys at the firm have served as City Attorney since <br />then. <br />Meyers Nave attorneys have thus been providing legal services to San Leandro for many years. Mr. Pio <br />Roda informed the City in February that he and Mr. Kokotaylo, along with other Meyers Nave Principals <br />and attorneys, would be leaving Meyers Nave and forming a new law firm called Redwood Public Law. <br />Redwood Public Law is a law firm that is focused on public agency representation and will include, in <br />addition to Mr. Pio Roda and Mr. Kokotaylo, other attorneys that serve as City Attorneys for cities <br />throughout the Bay Area and in the Sacramento area. The team of public law attorneys that primarily <br />provide legal services to the City will also be joining Redwood Public Law. <br />Staff brings forward the attached resolution and agreement to authorize legal services to be provided by <br />Redwood Public Law and for Mr. Pio Roda to continue serving as City Attorney and for Mr. Kokotaylo to <br />continue acting as Senior Assistant City Attorney. <br />Consistent with Section 430 of the San Leandro Charter, the Senior Assistant City Attorney will be <br />Acting City Attorney during any temporary absence or temporary disability of the City Attorney, and shall <br />exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the City Attorney <br />Mr. Pio Roda has served as San Leandro’s city attorney for almost 11 years and over that period, Mr. <br />Pio Roda has managed the full range of the City’s legal issues. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The rates for legal services are unchanged from the existing agreement with Meyers Nave. The total <br />not-to-exceed amount is lower than in the existing agreement. Therefore, there is no projected change <br />to the FY 2023-2024 and FY 2024-2025 <br />Attachments: <br />A)Resolution Authorizing New Legal Services Agreement <br />B)Draft Agreement <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/21/2024