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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: April 2, 2024 <br />Agenda Number: 13.b. <br />Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS <br />File Number: 24-108 <br />File Type: Ordinance <br />First Reading of an Ordinance to add Chapter 4-43 “Prohibition of Unlawful Possession of Catalytic <br />Converters” to Title 4 “Public Welfare” of the San Leandro Municipal Code <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Public Safety <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Approval of this ordinance will make the unlawful possession of catalytic converters in the San <br />Leandro a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or imprisonment in the county <br />jail not to exceed six months, or by both. <br />Staff recommends adding Chapter 4-43 “Prohibition of Unlawful Possession of Catalytic <br />Converters” to Title 4 “Public Welfare” of the San Leandro Municipal Code to prohibit unlawful <br />possession of catalytic converters. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Catalytic converter thefts have become a widespread problem, affecting hundreds of San <br />Leandro residents in recent years. Key components of catalytic converters include valuable <br />metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium that have increased in value, making catalytic <br />converters lucrative targets for thieves looking to profit from the resale of precious metals. <br />Reported catalytic converter thefts in San Leandro were 178 in 2020, 482 in 2021, 595 in 2022 <br />and 302 in 2023. Although catalytic converter thefts decreased in San Leandro last year, it is still <br />an issue resulting in unanticipated costs, inconvenience and undue financial stress of up to a <br />thousand dollars or more in parts and labor to replace a stolen catalytic converter. <br />These thefts continue to occur because individuals are incentivized to commit catalytic converter <br />thefts for multiple reasons including, but not limited to: <br />1)The ease and undetectable nature of committing the thefts in a matter of seconds using <br />common tools such as a reciprocating saw; and <br />2)The ability to recycle catalytic converters at scrap metal yards for high dollar returns <br />ranging from $200 to $1,200 per catalytic converter; and <br />3)Loopholes in legislation that only allow law enforcement to arrest individuals in possession <br />of a catalytic converter if it can be proven to have been stolen from a particular victim. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/28/2024