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• <br /> ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS <br /> Agreement for Local Agency Participation in Grant - Funded <br /> • <br /> Bay Area -wide Trash Capture Demonstration Project <br /> This agreement is made and entered into effective 1 5 , 20 by and between the Association of Bay <br /> Area Governments (ABAG), a public entity formed under the California John Exercise of Powers Act, <br /> Govemment Code Sections 6500, et seq. and the City of San Leandro (San Leandro), a City. <br /> Recitals <br /> A. ABAG and the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) have entered into Project <br /> Finance Agreement No. 09- 823 -550 (PFA) in the amount of $5,000,000 (five million dollars) for Clean Water <br /> State Revolving Fund Project No. C-06-6441-110, the Bay Area -wide Trash Capture Demonstration Project <br /> (Project). Funding is provided by the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). <br /> The PFA and amendments are located at hup://www.bavareatrashtracker.orn/content/contract-resources <br /> B. The Project is comprised of the following elements: acquisition of trash capture devices (TCDs), provision <br /> and /or installation of TCDs in existing storm drainage infrastructure, maintenance of installed TCDs and <br /> monitoring of installed TCDs. <br /> C. San Leandro is one of many local goyemment entities that are eligible to participate in the Project <br /> (collectively, "Potential Participants ") by facilitating installation of the TCDs in its existing storm drainage <br /> infrastructure and by maintaining and monitoring installed TCDs, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, Scope <br /> of Work, which is incorporated herein by this reference. <br /> D. ABAG issued Requests for Proposals for small capacity trash capture devices (small TCDs) and for high flow <br /> capacity trash capture devices (large TCDs) (collectively. "TCDs ") and assembled a panel of vendors for <br /> devices in both categories that can meet minimum trash capture permit requirements when properly installed <br /> and maintained. <br /> E. ABAG has contracted with each vendor on the panel to furnish, and if requested, install small TCDs selected <br /> by Participating Entities [as defined in section 2(a)); and to provide large TCDs; and for ABAG to pay the <br /> cost thereof. • <br /> F. ABAG has made an initial determination that each Potential Participant will have access to a portion of the <br /> funds available under the PFA (PFA Funds) for the acquisition and installation of TCDs, all as shown in <br /> Exhibit A -1. • <br /> ABAG and San Leandro mutually agree as follows: <br /> 1. Initial Allocation and Current Balances. San Leandro has access to 599,893 (ninety-nine thousand, eight <br /> hundred and ninety-three dollars) in PFA Funds to acquire and install TCDs. PFA Funds may only be used to <br /> fund or defray the costs of acquiring and/or installing TCDs from the panel of vendors listed in Exhibit A -2 <br /> (see section 3). ABAG will calculate the amount of PFA Funds to which San Leandro has access on any given <br /> day by reducing the initial allocation by the amount encumbered by TCDs on order (see section 3) and <br /> amounts paid for accepted TCDs. This information will be posted at <br /> http:/ Jwww. bavareatrashtracker .org/content/contract- resources and will be adjusted on an as- needed basis. <br /> 2. Reallocations. <br /> (a) San Leandro acknowledges that the success of the Project depends on maximum use of the PFA Funds <br /> and that greater use may be achieved by reallocating access to PFA Funds among the Potential Participants <br /> that have executed an "Agreement for Local Agency Participation Grant Funded SF Bay Area Trash Capture <br /> Demonstration Project' by January I, 2011 (Participating Entities). All reallocations will be reflected in the <br /> current balance (see section 1). <br /> 1 <br />