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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -015 <br /> RESOLUTION AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO AMLAND CORP FOR <br /> BANCROFT AVENUE AND 136 AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT, PROJECT NO. <br /> 11- 150 -38 -330; STATE PROJECT NO. SR2SL- 5041(038) <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro did, on January 11, 2012, publicly open, examine <br /> and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution No. 2011 -186 <br /> of the City Council of said City adopted on November 7, 2011, which resolution is hereby <br /> expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the <br /> proceedings under said resolution; and <br /> WHEREAS, said proposals were submitted to the Engineering and Transportation <br /> Director who has found that the proposal hereinafter mentioned is the lowest responsive bid for <br /> doing said work. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br /> follows: <br /> That said City Council hereby waives any irregularities in the proposal or bid of the <br /> lowest responsible bidder; and hereby awards the contract for doing said work to the lowest <br /> responsible bidder therefore, to wit AMLAND CORP, at the prices named in its bid on file in the <br /> Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes the City Manager to execute all documents to effect the <br /> award. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: <br /> That if the above named contractor is unable to execute the contract, then the City <br /> Manager is authorized to award this contract to the next lowest responsible bidder, execute all <br /> documents to effect the award, and take all actions necessary to recover any bid security from the <br /> low bidder necessary to make the City whole in its acceptance of the lowest bid. <br />