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<br />1. Description of the development, including whether the Inclusionary Units will <br />be rented orowner-occupied; <br /> <br />2. The number, size and location of Very Low-, Low- or Moderate-Income Units; <br /> <br />3. Inclusionary incentives by the City (if any), including the nature and amount of <br />any local public funding; <br />4. Provisions and/or documents for resale restrictions, deeds of trust, rights of <br />first refusal. and/or rental restrictions; <br /> <br />5. Provisions for monitoring the ongoing affordability of the units, and the process <br />for qualifying prospective resident Households for income eligibility. <br /> <br />D. Recordinq of Aqreement. Inclusionary Housing Agreements that are acceptable <br />to the Community Development Director must be recorded against owner-occupied <br />Inclusionary Units and residential projects containing rental Inclusionary Units. <br />Additional rental or resale restrictions, deeds of trust, rights of first refusal and/or <br />other documents acceptable to the Community Development Director must also <br />be recorded against owner-occupied Inclusionary Units. In cases where the <br />requirements of this Article are satisfied through the development of Off-Site Units, <br />the Inclusionary Housing Agreement must simultaneously be recorded against the <br />property where the Off-Site Units are to be developed. <br /> <br />6-3016 Off-Site Alternatives. <br /> <br />A. Developer Proposal. A Developer may propose and the Approval Authority may <br />approve an alternative means of compliance with an I nclusionary Housing Plan <br />as provided in Section 6-3014(b) which may include, but is not limited to the <br />following provisions: <br /> <br />1. Off-Site Construction. Inclusionary Units may be constructed off-site if the <br />Inclusionary Units will be located in an area where the Approval Authority <br />finds that, based on the availability of affordable housing, the need for such <br />units is equal or greater than the need in the area of the proposed <br />development. <br /> <br />2. Land Dedication. In lieu of building Inclusionary Units, a Developer may choose <br />to dedicate to the City land suitable for the construction of Inclusionary Units as <br />determined by the Approval Authority. The site must be sufficient to allow <br />construction of the required inclusionary units plus ten percent. Infrastructure, <br />such as sewer, water, and utilities, must be adjacent to the property. <br /> <br />3. Credit Transfers. In lieu of building Inclusionary Units, the Developer may <br />contribute funds to another project for the purpose of increasing the production of <br />affordable units within said project. The Approval Authority will determine the <br />credit that the developer may receive for the total number of affordable units <br />produced over and above the number of Inclusionary Units that would otherwise <br />be required for said project. <br /> <br />11 <br />