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<br />4. In-lieu Fee. The Approval Authority may accept an in-lieu fee to <br />partially satisfy the inclusionary requirement when such fee payment is <br />combined with one or a combination of the above alternatives. <br />(Projects with six or fewer for-sale units may fully satisfy the <br />inclusionary requirement with an in-lieu fee per Section 6-3012.) <br /> <br />5. Combination. The Approval Authority may accept any combination of <br />on-site construction, off-site construction, land dedication, credit <br />transfer, or in-lieu fees that produces at least the number of <br />Inclusionary Units that would otherwise be required by this Article. <br /> <br />B. Discretion. The Approval Authority may approve, conditionally approve or <br />reject any altemative proposed by a Developer as part of an Inclusionary Housing <br />Plan. Any approval or conditional approval must be based on a finding that the <br />purposes of this Article would be better served by implementation of the proposed <br />altemative(s). In determining whether the purposes of this Article would be better <br />served under the proposed altemative, the Approval Authority shall consider: (i) <br />whether implementation of an alternative would overly concentrate Inclusionary <br />Units within any specific area and, if so, must reject the altemative unless the <br />undesirable concentration of Inclusionary Units is offset by other identified <br />benefits that flow from implementation of the altemative in issue; and (ii) the <br />extent to which other factors affect the feasibility of prompt construction of the <br />Inclusionary Units on the property, such as costs and delays, the need for an <br />appraisal, site design, zoning infrastructure, clear title, grading and environmental <br />review. <br /> <br />6-3018 Incentives for Rental and For-Sale On-Site Housing. <br /> <br />A. An additional incentives may be provided in accord with Density Bonus Ordinance, <br />Article 31, Part VI, of the Zoning Code. However, the density bonus affordable <br />housing production requirements would be in addition to the requirements to <br />provide inclusionary units. <br /> <br />B. The Approval Authority may consider flexibility in zoning standards for a <br />Residential Development such as, but not limited to, maximum density, lot <br />size, lot width, yards, and parking in order to better accommodate the <br />required Inclusionary Units if it is determined that such flexibility would <br />result in a higher quality project and would improve the financial feasibility <br />of the project. <br /> <br />6-3020 Eligibility for Inclusionary Units. <br /> <br />A. General Eliqibilitv. No Household may occupy an Inclusionary Unit unless the City <br />or its designee has approved the Household's eligibility. If the City or its <br />designee maintains a list or identifies eligible Households, initial and subsequent <br />occupants will be selected first from the list of identified Households, to the <br /> <br />12 <br />