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<br />maximum extent possible, in accordance with any rules approved by the <br />Community Development Director. <br /> <br />B. Occupancy. Any Household that occupies a rental Inclusionary Unit or <br />purchases an Inclusionary Unit must occupy that unit as a principal residence. <br /> <br />6-3022 Owner Occupied Units. <br /> <br />A. Initial Sales Price. The initial sales price of the Inclusionary Unit must be set so <br />that the eligible Household will pay an Affordable Ownership Cost. <br /> <br />B. Resale Aqreement. The initial purchaser of each Inclusionary Unit shall <br />execute an instrument or agreement approved by the City restricting the <br />sale of the Inclusionary Unit in accordance with this Article during the <br />applicable use restriction period. Such instrument or agreement shall be <br />recorded against the parcel containing the Inclusionary Unit and shall <br />contain such provisions as the City may require to ensure continued <br />compliance with this Article. <br /> <br />C. Resale. The maximum sales price permitted on resale of the Inclusionary Unit <br />designated for owner-occupancy shall be the lower of: (1) fair market value or (2) the <br />seller's lawful purchase price, increased by the lesser of (i) the rate of increase of Area <br />Median Income during the seller's ownership or (ii) the rate at which the consumer <br />price index increased during the seller's ownership. To the extent authorized in any <br />resale restrictions or operative Inclusionary Housing Agreement, sellers may recover, <br />at time of sale, the market value of capital improvements made by the seller and the <br />seller's necessary and usual costs of sale, and may authorize an increase in the <br />maximum allowable sales price to achieve such recovery feasible. <br /> <br />D. Chanoes in Title. Title in the Inclusionary Unit may change due to changes in <br />circumstance, including death, marriage and divorce. Except as otherwise provided, if <br />a change in title is occasioned by events that change the financial situation of the <br />Household so that it is no longer income-eligible, then the property must be sold to an <br />income-eligible Household within 180 days from the date of the event. Upon the <br />death of one of the owners, title in the property may transfer to the surviving joint <br />tenant without respect to the income-eligibility of the Household. Upon the death of a <br />sole owner or all owners and inheritance of the Inclusionary Unit by a non-income- <br />eligible child or step child of one or more owners, there will be a one year compassion <br />period between the time when the estate is settled and the time when the property <br />must be sold to an income-eligible Household. Inheritance of an Inclusionary Unit by <br />any other person whose Household is not income-eligible shall require resale of the <br />unit to an income-eligible Household as soon as is feasible but not more than 180 <br />days. <br /> <br />6-3024 Rental Units. <br /> <br />Rental units will be offered to eligible Households at an Affordable Rent. The owner of rental <br />Inclusionary Units shall certify each tenant Household's income to the City or City's designee at <br /> <br />13 <br />