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<br />MINUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and San Leandro Economic Development <br />Agency Joint Meeting-February 7, 2005 <br /> <br />. Renomination of Member to Recreation and Parks Commission (District 6}- <br />Luster Knight. (1020) <br /> <br />. Renomination of Member to Senior Commission (District 6}--Betty Bailey.(2143) <br /> <br />. Nomination of Member to Library-Historical Commission (District 6}-Carole <br />Rinaldi. (1017) <br /> <br />M/S/C Santos and Stephens. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />B. Resolution No. 2005-015, Resolution Authorizing the Alameda County Fire <br />Department to Participate in the Safely Surrendered Baby Program at San Leandro Fire <br />Stations [allows participation in the Safe Baby Surrender Program (also known as the <br />Safe Haven or Newborn Abandonment Law) by designating San Leandro Fire Stations <br />as drop off locations where newborns who are 72 hours old or younger may be <br />confidentially surrendered by a parent or guardian having lawful custody of the infant <br />without fear of criminal prosecution]. (1123/2793) <br /> <br />Alameda County Fire Chief Bill McCammon gave a PowerPoint presentation providing <br />an overview of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law (SB 1368) and describing the Fire <br />Department's participation in the program. Chief McCammon noted that bringing this <br />program forward has been a joint effort between Senator Don Perata's Office, the <br />Alameda County Social Services Agency and the Alameda County Fire Chiefs <br />Association. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked about the coded bracelets issued to the person surrendering the <br />child, and what would happen if the person gave their bracelet to someone else. Chief <br />McCammon stated that the bracelet provides a quick identification, but many other <br />steps would be required before a child could be released. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger asked if the person who surrenders the baby must be the parent. <br />Chief McCammon replied that the person does not need to be the child's parent. He <br />noted that the intent of the law is to get attention for the child, rather than to have it <br />abandoned somewhere where its chances for survival are slim. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if any infants have been dropped off at fire stations in <br />Alameda County. Chief McCammon indicated that there have been two infants <br />surrendered in Alameda County, both at emergency rooms. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if a parent could surrender a baby anonymously. Chief <br />McCammon replied that a parent could surrender a child anonymously. Theperson <br />surrendering the child would be given a medical questionnaire in an envelope with a <br />stamped, return envelope, and they could choose whether or not to return it. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine commented that Kaiser clinics have been designated as <br />locations for surrendering infants, and Kaiser staff have been instructed not to ask any <br />