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<br />MINUTES Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-September 6, 2005 <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, <br />agreement with the previous speaker. <br />redevelopment and various other matters. <br /> <br />addressed the City Council, expressing <br />Mr. Filipovich commented regarding <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine asked what would happen if a developer proposed a use <br />which is under 10,000 square feet. Mr. Jermanis indicated that the application would <br />follow the normal approval process. He stated that the moratorium was imposed in <br />part due to an inconsistency in the zoning relative to the zoning in the districts <br />surrounding the downtown, and he does not believe the moratorium will hamper <br />development of the Albertson's site. Mr. Jermanis noted that the moratorium was a <br />measure that the Council felt was necessary due to concerns raised by the community. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos expressed concern that the ordinance appears to be directed <br />toward this particular developer and property. Mr. Jermanis indicated that the zoning <br />changes will be brought to the Council in October, and in the meantime staffwill <br />continue to work with the developer. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Hanson Hom commented that the Downtown Plan <br />calls for promoting small-scale retail uses. Staffwill be considering greater review <br />authority over large retail uses, as was approved for the South Area districts. Mr. <br />Hom noted that staff has had several meetings with representatives from Red <br />Mountain, and the moratorium should not affect the concept plans that Red Mountain <br />is in the process of developing for initial review. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented that the Albertson's site is at the heart of the downtown, <br />and she believes a lesser use would detract from its ambience. She noted that there is <br />currently illegal signage for a Halloween store at the site, and the Council could <br />amend the ordinance to allow a temporary use. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger expressed concern regarding the maintenance of the property and <br />supported the concept of an interim use. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens asked about the implications of allowing temporary uses at <br />the site. Mr. Rom clarified that the new zoning code amendments should be <br />presented to the Council in October and once in effect, the moratorium would cease. <br /> <br />Mayor Young proposed amended language to the ordinance to allow temporary uses <br />and to require proper maintenance of the grounds. <br /> <br />. Minute Order No. 2005-039, Motion Approving Report of the City Council of <br />the City of San Leandro on the Measures Taken by the City to Alleviate the <br />Conditions that Led to the Adoption ofthe Interim Urgency Ordinance hnposing a <br />Moratorium on Retail Uses in Excess of 10,000 Square Feet in the Commercial <br />Downtown (CD) Zoning District. (1005/1009/1098/1136/2792/2799/2805) <br /> <br />