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<br />In 2008, employees shall continue to contribute the difference between Kaiser BAlS rate <br />and any alternate elected premium. In addition, all employees will contribute 40% of the <br />K/BA premium increase over the 2007 rates to a cumulative maximum of the following <br />amounts: <br /> <br />Employee <br />Employee + 1 <br />Family <br /> <br />$20/month <br />$40/month <br />$80/month <br /> <br />Employees electing not to enroll in the core flex medical plan (i.e., who wish to waive <br />enrollment in the medical and dental plans) and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City <br />their enrollment in another medical and dental plan, shall receive one hundred and fifty <br />($150.00) per month for their non-election of medical and dental benefits. In the event <br />both spouses are employed by the City and eligible to enroll in the City's flex medical <br />benefits plan, one employee may elect not to enroll in the medical and dental plans and will <br />receive the one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per month payment if enrolled under <br />spouse's coverage. <br /> <br />An employee may elect to waive the medical plan and enroll only in the dental plan and <br />receive one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month for their non-election. <br /> <br />The above opt-out premiums will increase to two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month and <br />one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per month, respectively, effective January 1,2007. <br /> <br />Effective January 1,2007, an employee may elect to waive the dental plan only and enroll <br />only in the medical plan and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) per month for their non-election. <br /> <br />Re-enrollment in the medical and/or dental plan shall be allowed only based upon a <br />qualifying event as defined by the IRS codes or during an open enrollment period. <br /> <br />The parties agree that during the term of this agreement, they will jointly explore various <br />instruments enabling employee savings for retiree medical costs and related purposes. <br /> <br />29.2 Under CalPERS rules, the City will directly contribute the "employer minimum share" <br />towards retiree health coverage. Additional retiree health contributions will be made on a <br />reimbursement basis as set forth below. The amounts listed below are inclusive of the <br />PERS Medical Plan "employer minimum share". <br /> <br />29.3 The City shall pay the contributions required by health plan two-party rate for retired City <br />employees who were assigned to classifications represented by the San Leandro City <br />Employees Union and who are currently members of one of the City's health plans. The <br />City shall contribute to the health plan's two-party rate costs, but the maximum amount to <br />be contributed by the City shall not exceed three hundred and sixty dollars ($360.00). In <br />the event the amounts required by the health plans exceed the maximum City contribution, <br />such excess amounts shall be ~aid by the retiree. Coverage under this section shall <br />continue until the employees 65 birthday; except for the PERS Medical Plan "employer <br />minimum share" retiree health contribution, which shall continue for life. <br /> <br />26 <br /> <br />