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<br />conducting elections and distributing literature, shall not be conducted during working <br />hours without the prior approval of the Municipal Employee Relations Officer. <br /> <br />4.3 Use of City Facilities <br /> <br />Union may, with the prior approval of the Municipal Employee Relations Officer, be <br />granted the use of City facilities for Union meetings provided space is available. All such <br />requests shall be in writing and shall state the purpose or purposes of the meeting. The <br />City reserves the right to assess reasonable charges for the use of such facilities. <br /> <br />The use of City equipment other than items normally used in the conduct of business <br />meetings, such as desks, chairs, e-mail systems, and blackboards, is strictly prohibited <br />unless prior approval is obtained from the Municipal Employee Relations Officer, the <br />presence of such equipment in approved City facilities notwithstanding. <br /> <br />4.4 Use of Bulletin Boards <br /> <br />The Union may use portions of City bulletin boards under the following conditions: <br /> <br />A. All materials must be dated. <br /> <br />B. The department head shall present submitted materials to the Municipal Employee <br />Relations Officer for approval prior to posting. The actual posting of materials will <br />be done by the City and as soon as reasonably possible. Unless special arrangements <br />are made, materials posted will be removed thirty-one (31) days after posting. <br />Materials which the department head considers objectionable will not be posted, <br />provided, however, the department head shall first discuss and receive concurrence <br />from the Municipal Employee Relations Officer. <br /> <br />C. Union materials shall be restricted to Union business only. No derogatory or <br />defamatory material shall be posted. <br /> <br />D. The City reserves the right to determine where bulletin boards shall be placed and <br />what portions of them are to be allocated to employee organizations' materials. <br /> <br />E. The Union does not abide by these rules shall be subject to forfeiture of its right for a <br />period of (thirty) 30 days to have materials posted on City bulletin boards. <br /> <br />4.5 Within ten (10) days of the signing ofthis Agreement, the Union shall provide a current list <br />of representatives to the Director of Human Resources, including worker name, <br />classification, department and work location. The Human Resources Director shall be <br />provided with updated changes when representatives are replaced. <br /> <br />4.6 The parties agree that there shall be no restraint, coercion, or interference with any <br />employee with respect to or because of the employee's Union membership, activities, or <br />support, or lack thereof. No employee shall be discriminated against because of said <br />membership, activity, or support, or lack thereof, or because of the exercising of his/her <br />rights under this Memorandum of Understanding. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />