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Ord 2006-010
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2006-010
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1/23/2007 2:47:39 PM
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6/6/2006 3:01:55 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />C. In the case of rental Housing Developments, the Density Bonus Housing <br />Agreement shall provide for the following conditions governing the use of Target <br />Units during the use restriction period: <br /> <br />1. Rental units will be offered to eligible Households at an Affordable Rent. <br />The owner of rental Target Units shall certify each tenant Household's <br />income to the City or City's designee at the time of initial rental and <br />annually thereafter. The owner must obtain and review documents that <br />demonstrate the prospective renter's total income, such as income tax <br />returns or W-2s for the previous calendar year, and submit such <br />information on a form approved by the City. <br /> <br />2. Selection of Tenants. The owners of rental Target Units may fill vacant <br />units by selecting income-eligible Households from the Section 8 Housing <br />Choice Voucher Waiting List maintained by the Alameda County Housing <br />Authority or any other comparable list maintained by the City or City's <br />designee. Alternatively, owners may fill vacant units through their own <br />selection process, provided that they publish notices of the availability of <br />Target Units according to guidelines established by the Approval <br />Authority; <br /> <br />3. Annual Report. The owner shall submit an annual report summarizing the <br />occupancy of each Target Unit for the year, demonstrating the continuing <br />income-eligibility of the tenant. The City Manager may require additional <br />information if he or she deems it necessary; <br /> <br />4. Subsequent Rental to Income-Eligible Tenant. The owner shall apply the <br />same rental terms and conditions to tenants of Target Units as are applied <br />to all other tenants, except as required to comply with this Article (for <br />example, rent levels, occupancy restrictions and income requirements) or <br />with other applicable government subsidy programs. Discrimination <br />against persons receiving housing assistance is prohibited; <br /> <br />5. Changes in Tenant Income. If, after moving into a Target Unit, a tenant's <br />Household income exceeds the limit for that unit, the tenant Household <br />may remain in the unit as long as his or her Household income does not <br />exceed 140 percent of the income limit. Once the tenant's income exceeds <br />140 percent of the income limit, the following shall apply: <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />If the tenant's income does not exceed the income limits of other <br />Target Units in the Housing Development, the owner may, at the <br />owner's option, allow the tenant to remain in the original unit and <br />redesignate the unit as affordable to Households of a higher <br />income level, as long as the next vacant unit is re-designated for <br />the income category previously applicable to the tenant's <br />Household. Otherwise, the tenant shall be given one year's notice <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2006-010 <br /> <br />11 <br />
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