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<br />1537 Hays Street; PLN2005-00141 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />September 5,2006 <br /> <br />Three-story homes are a relatively new product that provides an alternative single-family <br />housing in the city. <br /> <br />Policy 3.04: Promotion of Infill <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential areas. <br /> <br />The site is designated in the General Plan and zoned for multi-family residential. The <br />existing site with one single-family home is underutilized. <br /> <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />The proposal complies with all of the RM2500 Multi-Family District requirements such <br />as setbacks, height, and parking with the exception of providing the minimum site area <br />per unit of 2,500 square feet (Z.c. Section 2-528); where the two middle lots would be <br />2,000 square feet each. The two lots closest to Hays Street would each comprise 2,525 <br />square feet, and the rearmost lots would each comprise 2,975 square feet. <br /> <br />The setbacks for the project conform to all the RM2500 District requirements. The front <br />setback meets the minimum requirement of 15 feet, and the rear setback of 24 feet <br />exceeds the minimum requirement of 15 feet. With a 10 foot setback on the northerly side <br />and a 12.5 foot setback on the southerly side, both side yard setbacks exceed the <br />minimum of six feet and an average of 10 feet (Z.C. Section 2-534). In addition, relative <br />to single-family development standards, the proposed small lot single-family <br />development inherently has shallow setbacks between the proposed new buildings. The <br />reduced setbacks however provide sufficient separation for light, air and ventilation, and <br />would meet Building and Fire Codes. The proposed height of the buildings which would <br />be 28 feet to the top wall plate of the third floor and 34 feet to each of the homes' peak is <br />less than the maximum permitted height of 45 feet in the RM2500 District. <br /> <br />Staff and the Planning Commission believe that the proposed plan is adequately accessed <br />for vehicles, provides sufficient open space similar to other recent planned developments, <br />and includes appropriate off-street parking for homeowners and visitors. The rezone is <br />considered a reduction in zoning to a less intensive use. For example, the existing RM1800 <br />zoning could permit a density of 24 units per acre, or up to eight units on the subject <br />property. The RM2500 zoning would permit a density of only 17 units per acre, or up to six <br />units on the subject property. Required minimum yard setbacks are identical in both zoning <br />districts and the maximum height standards are 45 feet maximum in the RM2500 and 50 <br />feet maximum in the RM1800. <br /> <br />Environmental Review <br />This project to construct six residential units is categorically exempt from the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guideline Article 19, Categorical <br />Exemption, Sections 15303 (b) and 15332. Furthermore, the rezoning is exempt from <br />CEQA, per CEQA Guideline, Section 15061 (b) (3), where it can be seen with certainty <br />that there is no possibility that the rezoning in question may have a significant effect on <br />the environment. <br />