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BusDev Highlights 2006 1012
City Clerk
City Council
Business Development Committee
BusDev Highlights 2006 1012
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6/6/2007 3:55:58 PM
Creation date
11/3/2006 2:55:22 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />revenue would not be forthcoming anyway as the airline business would be shifted to one of <br />the other area hotels such as the Marina Inn or an Oakland hotel that did not have the <br />prohibition on long-term contracts. He noted it was a matter of fairness and maintaining a level <br />playing field for all area hotels. <br /> <br />The City Manager stated that the amendment would be finalized and signed by the developer <br />prior to it being brought forward for Agency action in late November. <br /> <br />2. Update on Proposed Large Homes Zoning Code Amendment <br /> <br />Plamling Manager Debbie Pollart introduced the item and gave an outline of how other <br />jurisdictions arc dealing with the issue. She noted that communities with successful large <br />home ordinances emphasize three key areas: limiting the maximum Floor Area Ratio ("FAR"), <br />including a scaling of FAR for the size of the lot; requiring step-backs for second floors; and <br />increasing the parking requirements for large homes. A staff memorandum and a summary of <br />the findings are attached, (Attachment Nos. 2A and 2B) <br /> <br />Mayor Young initiated a discussion regarding the size of other homes in San Leandro and <br />nearby unincorporated County areas. Councilmember Stephens inquired why the City was <br />concerned about large homes and what staff would like from the Committee. Pollart answered <br />that staff would like direction on the review process for large homes. <br /> <br />The Committee expressed interest in the outcome ofthe joint Planning Commission and Board <br />of Zoning Adjustments work session on October 19, 2006. <br /> <br />3. Zoning Code Amendment Relating to Assembly Uses in Industrial Limited (IL) District <br /> <br />Plamling Manager Debbie Pollart explained that staff had received an application from Faith <br />Fellowship Chureh requesting a Zoning Code amendment to conditionally allow assembly uses <br />in IL districts. Pollart then outlined the staff analysis of General Plan policies regarding the <br />application and provided the Committee with two options for consideration by the Committee: <br />(1) amending the Zoning Code to allow assembly uses in the IL District through a Conditional <br />Use Penuit process; and (2) create an "Assembly" Overlay District in areas which meet certain <br />criteria involving the preservation of commercial corridors, protecting industrial parks and <br />avoiding land use conflicts with heavy industry, parcel size and being is close proximity to <br />major arterials. A summary of the issues and some of the options is included in the attached <br />summary (Attachment Nos. 3A and 38) <br /> <br />The Committee discussed at length the importance of industrial land to the viability of the City <br />and how industry creates substantial tax revenue for San Leandro. Mayor Young and <br />Councilmember Badger expressed concerns over losing industrial land and how it may affect <br />the future revenues for the City. Mayor Young stated she looked forward to hearing what the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments and Planning Commission recommend. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked that staff prepare a map showing the areas within San Leandro where <br />religious assembly and adult entertainnlent are allowed, in order to better understand how these <br />areas relate to one another. She noted her concern that these uses not be in close proximity to <br />each other. Staff agreed to prepare a map and return to the Committee with the information. <br /> <br />2 <br />
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