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8A Consent 2007 0102
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Packet 2007 0102
8A Consent 2007 0102
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5/4/2007 12:48:50 PM
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1/5/2007 12:23:16 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro~~~ity C:?.~:cil and San Leandro RedeveloPlnent Agency Joint Meeting-December 18, 2006 <br /> <br />13. INSTALLATION OF NEW CITY COUNCILMEMBERS <br /> <br />District I City Counci1member-elect Michael Gregory took the Oath of Office administered <br />by the Honorable Ellen M. Corbett, District 10, Calilomia State Senate, and received his <br />Certificate of Election. <br /> <br />Councilmember-elcct Gregory introduced and thanked members of his family and thanked his <br />supporters. Couneilmember-elect Gregory gave some personal background and shared some <br />of the issues he is committed to addressing while on the City Council, such as joint-use <br />projects with the school districts, implementation of the Downtown Transit-Oriented <br />Development Strategy, the City's budget, public safCty and the San Leandro Marina. He <br />stated that it will be an honor and a privilege to represent the citizens of San Leandro. <br /> <br />District 3 City Counci1member-clect Diana Souza took the Oath of Office administered by the <br />Honorable Yolanda Nortluidge, State of California Superior Court Judge, and received her <br />Celiillcate of Election. <br /> <br />Councilmember-elect Souza thanked Judge Northridge for her lriendship, and thanked her <br />falni1y members for all their support and assistance with her campaign. Council member-elect <br />Souza expressed appreciation to her friends, her boss, and others who encouraged and helped <br />her during her campaign. She commented on the three priorities of her campaign: keeping <br />seniors engaged in the community; communication with businesses, residents, and school <br />districts; and the Malina. Counci1member-elect Souza stated she is ready to listen to, <br />understand, collaborate with and learn Ji:om the people of San Leandro. <br /> <br />Re-e1ected District 5 City Councilmember Bill Stephens took the Oath of Office administered <br />by Senator Corbett and received his Certificate of Election. <br /> <br />Council member Stephens thanked Senator Corbett for administering his Oath, noting that <br />when Ellen Corbett was Mayor and he was President of the San Leandro School Board, she <br />mightily advanced the goals of education for San Leandro. Council member Stephens <br />introduced and thanked his wife, Connie. He commented that he believes the new City <br />Council will be united over the next four years. Councilmember Stephens stated that he is <br />humbled by the opportunity to serve the community, noting that while there are other <br />communities with greater material wealth, there is none with greater spirit, wannth or heart <br />than San Leandro. <br /> <br />Before swearing in Mayor-elect Santos, Senator Corbett stated that tonight is like a family <br />gathering and that she is very glad to be present. She congratulated Mayor Young and <br />Council member Badger and thanked them for their service. <br /> <br />Mayor-clect Anthony B. "Tony" Santos took the Oath of Office administered by Senator <br />Corbett and received his Celii l'icate of Election. <br /> <br />Mayor-elect Santos thanked Senator Corbett for administering his Oath. He presented Mayor <br />Young with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for all she has done for the City. Mayor- <br />elect Santos thanked the members of the audience for attending tonight's meeting. He <br /> <br />10 <br />
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