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8A Consent 2007 0102
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Packet 2007 0102
8A Consent 2007 0102
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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page ') <br />City of San Leandro City Counei}_,~nd San I _eandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-Dcccmbcr 18, 2006 <br /> <br />C. Reports on City Council Committees <br /> <br />1. Finance Committee Meeting of December 6,2006. Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmcmber Stephens thanked Counci Imember Badger and Mayor Young for the many <br />hours they have devoted to the community through their service on the City Council, noting <br />the huge time commitment spent in preparation for meetings, meetings with constituents, <br />attending events and attending Council Committee meetings. Councilmember Stephens <br />complimented the families of Council member Badger and Mayor Young for their support. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak thanked Councilmember Badger and Mayor Young for their many <br />years of service to San Leandro and expressed appreciation for their wisdom and <br />contributions to the community. <br /> <br />Council member Badger stated that it has been a pleasure to serve on the City Council in a <br />time of unprecedented development and reinvention of the City. Councilmember Badger <br />thanked the Councilmembers and Mayor with whom he has served on the City Council and <br />commented that he leamed to respect the opinions of his fellow Councilmembers and work <br />together- He thanked City Manager Jennanis and City staff, noting that Mr. Jennanis has <br />effected a gradual change in the makeup of the staff to more accurately reflect the diversity of <br />the community. Councilmember Badger also thanked Community Relations Representative <br />Kathy Omelas for being the "first line of defense" with citizens, and for getting things done <br />for the community on behalf of the Council. He thanked the City commissioners for serving <br />the City well and helping the Council get its work done. Councilmember Badger reflected on <br />the City committees and commissions on which he has served, stating that it has been a <br />pleasure to serve in the various capacities. Lastly, he thanked the citizens of San Leandro, <br />stating that it has been his honor and pleasure to be allowed to serve as their representative. <br /> <br />Mayor Young gave special thanks to her husband, Irish Loughren, for all his support for her in <br />her service to the City. She commented that the time she has served on the BZA and as <br />Council member and Mayor have been the most incredible, exhilarating and educational <br />peliod of her life, and that being Mayor is the best job in the universe. Mayor Young praised <br />the City staff and their care in serving the community. She expressed enjoyment in working <br />directly with 11 different Councilmembers and having healthy debates as part of the process <br />of consensus and community building. Mayor Young noted that she began her tenure as <br />mayor promising to share leadership, and she leaves knowing that each of the <br />Councilmel11bers has had the opportunity to chair committees and contribute to projects <br />throughout the city. She reflected on the accomplishments of the Council during her more <br />than 10 years of service, conunenting that while she is proud or the "bricks and 11100tar we <br />have put in place," the caliber of its elected officials and their effective collaboration with <br />staff arc what make San Leandro the center of Alameda County. <br /> <br />9 <br />
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