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<br />WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT <br /> <br />ANNUAL REPORT FY 2006-07 <br /> <br />5. The BID assessment shall be evaluated by subsequent Advisory Boards on an <br />annual basis and, based on the financial health of the LINKS, the BID shall be <br />reduced when possible. If additional grant funding is secured, the priority shall be <br />given to reducing the BID in subsequent years. <br /> <br />LINKS Shuttle Proeram Historv <br /> <br />In 2001, in response to a shortage of public transportation in San Leandro and an expressed <br />desire for adequate public transportation by the West San Leandro business community, the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro partnered with the Chamber of Commerce <br />and the San Leandro Industrial Roundtable to provide a shuttle service, known locally as the <br />LINKS. The purpose of the LINKS is to provide free transportation for employees to the <br />industrial area of western San Leandro. The San Leandro Transportation Management <br />Organization (SLTMO), a 501 C (3) non-profit corporation, was formed to handle the day-to- <br />day operations and to provide operational oversight of the LINKS. <br /> <br />The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro, matched by a Low Income Flexible <br />Transportation (LIFT) Grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), <br />provided initial start-up funds for a t\vo-year trial period to assess the viability of the program. <br />Additionally, the City received a grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br />(BAAQMD) to provide additional funding for the LINKS. Over the two-year trial period, <br />there was a steady increase in ridership for the LINKS, and the program proved to be a benefit <br />to the community. <br /> <br />In early 2004, during preparation of the budget for Fiscal Year 2004-05, the SLTMO <br />proposed a long-term revenue plan to provide sustainable ongoing funding for the LINKS. <br />The funding model included contributions from the business community, grant funding and <br />financial support from the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency on an as-needed basis. For <br />Fiscal Year 2004-05, the SLTMO asked the City Council to establish a Business <br />Improvement District (BID) to assess the business community served by the LINKS an annual <br />fee to pay for a portion of the LINKS operating costs. With this guaranteed revenue source, <br />the SLTMO would continue to seek out grant opportunities to help fund the remainder of the <br />LINKS budget. <br /> <br />After cOlnpleting all appropriate notices and public hearings as required by State law, on June <br />21, 2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2004-013 establishing the West San <br />Leandro Shuttle Business Improvenlent District (BID). The BID included a total of 380 <br />businesses within the service area and was projected to generate $135,000 in revenue. The <br />2004-05 BID assessment was set at a base fee of $25, plus $10.56 per employee. Businesses <br />with five or fewer employees and non-profits were exempt from the BID assessment. <br /> <br />During Fiscal Year 2004-05, the SL TMO and the City continued to pursue all available grant <br />opportunities to support the shuttle program. The City was again successful in obtaining a <br />grant from the BAAQMD and the SL TMO, in partnership with the Davis Street Family <br />Resource Center (DSFRC), obtained a second two-year LIFT grant in the amount of <br />