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<br />Rcsickntial Dcvcloplnent Standards <br />Amendments to Articles 5, 17 and 24 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />January 16. 2007 <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />In response to an application for a large home in the Bay-O- Vista area, the City Council has <br />directed staff to look at amendments to the Zoning Code related to development of large homes <br />and related development standards (such as parking). A joint worksession with the Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments and Planning Commission was held on Oetober 19, with direction for staff <br />to consider amendments related to establishment of a maximum noor area ratio (I' AR), <br />development of a daylight planc, modification or parking standards, and processing of <br />condominium conversions lor four or less units. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION <br /> <br />The proposed draft ordinance may he summarized with the following changes: <br /> <br />. Add new Article 5, Section 2-537 Daylight Plane <br /> <br />. Add new Article 5, Section 2-539 Max inlUm Floor Area Ratio (FAR) <br /> <br />. Amend Article 5, Section 2-574 for consistency with new Daylight Plane Section <br /> <br />. Amend Article 5, Section 2-580 for consistency with other proposed changes <br /> <br />. Amend Article 5, Section 2-582 to add new language related to reviewing height of <br />garden features in the RS- VP dislrict <br /> <br />. Amend Article 5, Section 2-584 RO and RS Districts - Overview or Rcsidential Site <br />Plan Review Requirements Arnend table to be consistent with other proposed changes <br /> <br />. Amend Article 17, Section 4-1704 Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required to <br />amend parking standards in the RO District for sites with additional dwelling units, and <br />to identiry additional parking requirements ror large homes <br /> <br />. Amend Article 24, Section 5-2424 Condominium Conversions to delcte requirement <br />for Conditional Use PeJl11it approval by the Board or Zoning Adjustments for <br />conversions of four or less units. <br /> <br />The proposed new sections discussing Daylight Planes and Maximum rloor Area Ratio (FAR) <br />are intended to provided additional rcsidential single-family and two-family development <br />standards for review of additions, 2-story homes and large homes (i n excess of 4,000 square feet <br />in size), and overall development density in the RO Zoning District. The daylight plane addresses <br />potcn1ial privacy/shadow impacts on adjacent residences by establishing a maximum building <br />envelope for the site. Establishmcnt of a maximum 1100r area ratio puts development ofthe home <br />in context with the square rootagc of the propeJiy. The proposals for daylight plane and <br />l11aximurn FAR address single-family and two-ramily developmcnt, which may occur in any of <br />the applicable R districts, and for additions to existing residences that are located in I-Industrial <br />districts. These proposed amendments would provide additional design/density regulations to the <br />