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<br />MINUTKS Page 2 <br />Cily or San Lenndro City Council, San Lenlldro Pnrking Aulhority, Snn Leandro Publie Finnneing Aulhorily, nncl San <br />Leandro I~c_~evclopment Agency Joint ~_l?eting-.Janllluy 2, 2~n7 ~__ <br /> <br />4. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC <br />HEARINGS <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br />Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the <br />City Clerk so the order of speakers 111ay be detemlined and an official record of names and <br />addresses obtained. The public is invited to make comments on items of public interest NOT <br />listed on the Agenda. <br /> <br />Joe Collier, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, congratulating the new City <br />Councilmembers and requesting that new District 3 Councilmember Souza attend meetings of <br />his homeowners association. <br /> <br />6. CITY MANAGER AND Crry ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br /> <br />City Manager ./ermanis welcomed the new Council and wished Mayor Santos a happy <br />birthday. <br /> <br />City Attorney Williallls shared in the congratulations of the new Council, wished Mayor <br />Samos a happy bilihday and stated that she looks forward to a great 2007. <br /> <br />7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />City Councilmembers or starr have an opportunity at this time to request that an item be <br />rcmoved from the Consent Calendar ror the presentation of a stall report or other special <br />consideration. Mcmbers of the Publ ic may request the opportunity to address the City <br />Council regarding items remaining on the Consent Calendar by filling out a speaker card and <br />submitting it to the City Clerk prior to the calling of Item 7, Amendment of Consent <br />Calendar. Items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be considered fIx approval under <br />,one motIOn. <br /> <br />Public CQIlHnents on Item 8.B.: <br /> <br />Joe Collier, San Leandro resident, addresscd the City Council, commenting that cars <br />traveling on Floresta Boulevard consistently exceed the posted 35 mile per hour speed limit. <br />Mr. Coll ier pointed out that there arc no signs posted on floresta near Monterey to wam <br />drivers that there is a school nearby, and he requested that the City post some signage. <br /> <br />End of Public Comments on Item 8.8. <br />