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<br />MINllTES Page 12 <br />City oX San Leandro City_ Council a~lc!.San Leand,~) Redeve~op_l1lent ^g~l)ey Joint Meeting Fcb_r_IJary 2, 200~_ <br /> <br />8. RCp0l1s on City Council Committees <br /> <br />I. raeilities Committee Meeting of January 14, 2004. Accepted as submitted. <br /> <br />2. Rules and Communications Committce Meeting of January 22, 2004. Accepted <br />as submitted. <br /> <br />Recommendation for City Council Consideration: <br /> <br />(t, City Council schedule consideration of approval of a contractual service <br />agreement with The Phoenix Group [or $107,850 to provide consultant <br />services [or Phase II of the CAD/RMS replacement project. <br /> <br />By consensus, the City Council ag.'eed to schedule consideration of <br />approval of a contractual service agreement with The Phoenix Group <br />for $107,850 to provide consultant services for Phase II of the <br />CAD/RMS replacement project. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Mayor Young cOlllmented on the recent Mayors Conference in Washington, D.C., at which <br />the President of the United States, Speaker orthe House and Senate Majority Leader attended. <br />She handed out copies of a profile of the demof,'Taphic characteristics of the City of San <br />Leandro which she obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented that she received a letter regarding the closure of the Weyerhaeuser <br />Company plant on Alvarado Street and the sale of its plant assets to Georgia-Pacific <br />Coq10ration. She reported that all 97 plant employees and 17 of rice employees will be laid <br />ofT Mayor Young will contact the union representative to 01Ter assistance with the transition. <br /> <br />Mayor Young reported that the City of San Leandro has received a plaque for achieving a <br />milestone of45 years of membership and par1icipation in the National League of Cities. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented that Congregations Organizing for Renewal (COR) is holding a <br />conllnunity fOnIm on Measure A at St. Leander's Parish on February 27. She asked <br />Councilmember Santos what action he would like to see taken regarding the letter on the <br />Governor's cuts in social services 1hnding. Councilmember Santos suggested the Council <br />allow the Mayor to send a letter on behal r of the City Counci I to the Govemor regarding the <br />cuts to social services. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Mayor send the letter. <br /> <br />Mayor Young announced that she received a report from the BAAQMD regarding the EIR <br />process for the Oakland ADP, and she will ensure Councilmembers receive a copy, Mayor <br />Young also received a letter from the Port of Oakland regarding the Instrument Landing <br />System at the airport's North Field and will provide copies the to members of the Airport <br />Committee. <br />