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<br />~nNUTES Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro Housing Finance <br />Corporation, San Leandro Parking Authority, San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 21, 2004 <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis clarified that the 911 fee would be used to partially offset the cost of the <br />Police Department's communications system. He noted that the Fire comnlunications <br />system is covered as part of the contract with Alameda County and would not receive <br />revenue generated by the 911 fee. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis stated that the City Council Ad Hoc Committee will have further <br />discussion on the various options, taking into consideration the comments and concerns <br />expressed this evening. He stated that it is important to point out that this is not a short- <br />tenn prob1enl. After the State takeaways cease in two years, the City's budget problems <br />will still not be fully resolved. Mr. J enn ani s reiterated Councilmelnber Santos' points <br />that the budgetary problems faced by the City are largely outside the City's control, <br />noting the investment portfolio losses by PERS and the statewide situation cities are <br />facing with the need to reduce Police and Fire services. <br /> <br />Mr. Jermanis clarified that the City does not want to give the community the impression <br />that Police and Fire services are on the "hot seat." He pointed out that other City <br />departments have made significant reductions in their operating budgets and personnel, <br />and the Council indicated that it does not want to see similar reductions made to public <br />safety services if they can be avoided. Mr. J ermanis stated that the intent of the <br />proposed 911 fee and public safety parcel tax would be to maintain the level of public <br />safety services at 94 sworn police officers and support personnel in the Police <br />Department and seven 3-person crews in the Fire Stations. He noted that when the <br />econon1Y improves in future years, the Council can revisit these revenue measures. <br />However, Mr. J ermanis stated that he believed the costs are imbedded in the City's <br />operating expenses, and revenues would have to grow sufficiently to cover them. <br /> <br />Mr. Jennanis further noted that the issues expressed by the Chamber of Commerce <br />representatives can be considered by the City Council Ad Hoc Committee when it meets <br />later in the week. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis expressed appreCIatIon for Councihnenlber Santos' suggestions. He <br />stated that City staff has looked carefully at the various programs and funding options. <br />He noted that, for example, the banner program could be funded through the <br />Redevelopment Agency, whereas the video and internship programs would not be <br />eligible. Mr. Jermanis indicated that staff will look into alternative funding sources for <br />progranls such as the Cherry Festival that the Council would like to see preserved. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine commented that the programs which Councilnlember Santos <br />identified are very positive programs for youth, and she suggested using Gun Tax <br />revenue to fund thenl. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented on the Utility User Tax non-residential rebate program. She <br />expressed agreement with Councilmember Santos that it may be advantageous for the <br />City to do the first year phase-out and review the program after a year. <br /> <br />Mayor Young expressed agreement with Mr. J ermanis that a better approach to making <br />changes to the budget would be for Councilmembers to direct their suggestions to the <br />Finance Committee to determine if alternative funding sources exist to preserve certain <br />programs. <br />