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<br />~lINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 6, 2004 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Mayor Young stated her support for the measure as presented and made a personal <br />commitment to the Chamber of Commerce that she would not consider changing the <br />business license tax while the parcel tax is in effect unless the State continues to divert <br />revenues from the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked about the effect of Councilmember Santos' suggestion on the <br />amount of revenue generated. Councilmember Santos clarified that his proposal was to <br />give a rebate to low-income owner-occupied residences. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine stated that the ad hoc committee asked staff about the <br />possibility of a rebate for low-income renters. The committee was told by staff that the <br />revenue loss would be significant enough to necessitate additional service reductions. <br />Councilmember Santos suggested that the rebate not be extended to renters. <br /> <br />Mr. Jermanis noted that the ad hoc conmlittee discussion focused on a rebate for senior <br />citizen owner-occupied dwellings. He suggested that if limited to owner-occupied <br />dwellings, it may be possible for the Finance Department to establish eligibility for the <br />rebate based on income and home ownership. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger stated that the ad hoc committee has discussed many of these issues <br />at length. He pointed out that the amount of revenue the City must raise is a fixed <br />amount, and the Council is trying to maintain a level of public safety service that it <br />agreed the City cannot afford to fall belovv. If a tax break is given to one group, the rate <br />for another group will need to be increased. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger expressed sympathy for the comments he has heard tonight, but the <br />Council has determined that a safe community is a priority. He stated he has no <br />intention of supporting an increase in the business license tax if it is not necessary. <br />However, he noted that it may become necessary if the State continues to raid the City's <br />coffers. Vice Mayor Badger commented that he hopes everyone understands that the <br />parcel tax revenue will be devoted solely to fund public safety. He stated the City is <br />facing a problem, and the Council has a fiduciary responsibility to resolve the problem. <br /> <br />Mayor Young clarified her earlier comment, stating that she would never consider <br />raising the business license tax without consulting with the Chamber. <br /> <br />Councilnlember Grant acknowledged the hard work of the ad hoc committee on this <br />issue, and now the Council must take a stand. She expressed hope that the low-income <br />residents and renters in the community do not end up bearing a disproportionate burden. <br />Councilmember Grant indicated she has received a tremendous amount of public input <br />on the subj ect and understands the importance of this issue to the community. <br /> <br />Mayor Young indicated it is her intention to ask the members of the ad hoc committee <br />to act as the committee to author the ballot argument. Vice Mayor Badger and <br />Councilmember Nardine agreed to serve on the committee. <br />