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<br />Deliverables: (1) Notice of Preparation; (2) scoping meeting notes; and (3) Revised Scope of <br />Work if necessary. <br /> <br />Discussion: Our approach to this task is divided into three tasks: Notice of Preparation, public <br /> <br />scoping, and revised scope of work. <br /> <br />Task 3.1 Notice of Preparation. If City staff is unavailable to prepare a Notice of Preparation, <br />EIP will complete the Notice, which announces the City's intent to prepare an EIR, pursuant to <br />CEQA. <br /> <br />Task 3.2 Public Scoping. As provided for by the CEQA Guidelines, the City will conduct a <br />scoping meeting. This meeting will provide information to the community and be a forum for <br />receiving input into the preparation of the EIR. Typically held as part of the Planning <br />Commission's normally scheduled public meetings, EIP will attend the meeting, record minutes, <br />and prepare a summary of comments and suggestions. <br /> <br />The principal objective of this scoping meeting for the EIR team will be to confirm or revise the <br />list of critical environmental issues and the range of alternatives that will be examined in the <br />EIR. Key team members will participate in these meetings and will be prepared to describe our <br />initial work scope as envisioned by this proposal, as required. <br /> <br />Task 3.3 Revised Scope of Work. In response to discussions at the project initiation meeting <br />and to the public scoping meeting, the EIP team will revise the scope of work for consideration <br />by City staff if necessary. The revised scope of work may fine tune the data collection activities, <br />refine impact methodologies and assumptions (e.g., number of locations for traffic counts or <br />noise measurements), and affirm or revise expectations about the preparation process, schedule, <br />and products. If unexpected issues arise, EIP would make appropriate budget adjustments, in <br />consultation with the City. <br /> <br />Task 4. Existing Setting, Significant Impacts, and Mitigation Measures <br /> <br />Purpose: To synthesize background information and to evaluate changes to those baseline <br />conditions resulting from adoption of the proposed project. Furthermore, identify mitigation <br />measures for those changes considered to be significant effects. <br /> <br />City Involvement: Discuss and review background conditions, key assumptions, and impact <br />methodologies. <br /> <br />Deliverable: None. <br /> <br />Discussion: For this task, there are three principal activities. These are to: <br />· Establish baseline conditions, <br />· Apply CEQA criteria to evaluate potential impacts, and <br />· Recommend mitigation measures to reduce impacts, if needed. <br /> <br />Consulting Services Agreement between <br />City of San Leandro and ElP Associates <br /> <br />Page 21 of 44 <br />