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<br />employee's monthly salary. For the purpose of overtime-minimum pay, "Required call ouf' is <br />defined as an event for which an officer's assistance is required. With the exception of court <br />appearances, the event referred to in the preceding sentence is one that is not anticipated and <br />therefore unscheduled and not contiguous to the regular work shift. For required call out or court <br />appearance on a normal work day, a minimum three (3) hours' pay at the overtime rate will be <br />paid for the first such call out or court appearance, provided, however, that court appearances <br />immediately before or after scheduled duty hours shall be deemed an extension of the shift and <br />the three hour minimum shall not apply. Call out minimum pay would not be given in the case <br />of posted and scheduled details on an officer's day off unless four (4) hours have elapsed since <br />the officer last worked. Officers would be paid for the actual time spent performing the <br />scheduled activity. For required call out or authorized work related appearance on a normal day <br />off, a minimum five (5) hours' pay at the overtime rate will be paid for each of the first two such <br />call outs, provided, however, that a call out on a normal day off immediately before or after <br />scheduled duty hours shall be deemed an extension of the shift and the five (5) hour minimum <br />shall not apply. For court appearance on a normal day off, a minimum five (5) hours' pay at the <br />overtime rate will be paid, plus payment of necessary and actual expenses. F or court <br />appearances that extend through the court's lunch period and the employee is required to return <br />on the same case that same afternoon, the employee will be paid for that period of time at the <br />overtime rate except for a one (1) hour lunch period. At the employee's request, and with the <br />approval of the Police Chief, compensatory time off may be granted in an amount equal to one <br />and one-half time the overtime worked in lieu of pay. <br /> <br />Compensatory time may be used, and replaced, without regard to frequency of use, as long as the <br />account balance does not exceed 80 hours. <br /> <br />In the event an employee is ordered by a magistrate to appear in court and does appear on a day <br />during which the employee has called in sick, the employee will be paid overtime at the rate <br />listed for court appearance, except that employees working the day shift shall not be paid <br />overtime, but the hours spent at the court appearance shall not be deducted from his/her <br />accumulated sick leave hours. <br /> <br />Section 8. <br /> <br />Assi2nment Differentials <br /> <br />For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, uniformed sworn officers in the <br />classifications of Police Sergeant and Police Officer assigned to the patrol and traffic divisions, <br />who are assigned for at least thirty (30) consecutive days to such a duty assignment, shall receive <br />an additional one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month pay differential when so assigned. The <br />one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month is in recognition of assignments subject to rotating <br />shifts as well as the length of the workday for these assignments. <br /> <br />Sworn officers regularly assigned to the investigation division and one Sergeant assigned to the <br />administrative services unit may receive a one hundred dollar ($100.00) per month differential <br />while so assigned; provided, however, that a call-in procedure is agreed to between the Police <br />Officers' Association and the Police Chief. <br /> <br />Police Officers assigned as canine handlers shall receive a five percent (50/0) pay differential <br />when the officer and dog are certified as a team and are functioning and on duty as a team in <br />police patrol. This amount is in recognition of the additional time required to care for the animal <br />during non-regular duty hours. If the officer is unable to perform as a K-9 handler due to a non- <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />SLPOA 07 Final <br />